Saturday, December 28, 2013

Your Blossoming Life in 2014

We have just come through the holiday season, some of us more in tact than others. What may have come up for some of you is the feeling of being overwhelmed, doing things for others without the Christmas spirit in your heart, and realizing that another year has gone by and you're still not living or creating the life you wanted.

This came up for me, at least. And I know I'm not alone. This year something powerful hit me in my awareness. That I'm not surrounded by people I actually like.  That is, those who I totally gel with, feel inspired by and totally and utterly respect. I've been so busy with personal growth, becoming and transforming myself while working with others, that I had my head buried in the sand.  Until this Christmas.

I realized that family is precarious and each of us so different in how we're choosing to live our lives.  My fulfillment, goals and soul desires will never fully be understood by my family members. And nor should they be, for they were merely the launching point of my existence.

New Year's is the perfect opportunity to not just set new resolutions but to let go of what is not serving and to totally reinvent how you are doing this so you can actually feel content and on-track with yourself by the end of next year.  So I decided to offer a quick exercise to help you contemplate who you are, where you are and where you want to grow.  It is best to write this in a journal, so you can review it throughout the year.

Step 1:  Reflect on the past year. What did you like? What didn't you like? What were your greatest challenges? Your victories?  What did you take away and learn the most from the year.

Step 2: What is currently missing in your life or you wish you had more of?  It's okay to appear ungrateful at this's just to get you in touch with your true heart.  What actions can you take to improve your situation or state of mind?

Step 3:   What is your overall mantra or affirmation for the year?  A mantra is like a motto.  Such as "In 2014, I will invite more loving people into my life. Write it down at the top of a fresh page and post it where you need to see it.

Step 4:  Write down your top 3 priorities for 2014 for your personal life and then 3 priorities for your professional/public life.  These are the major musts for the upcoming year.  Make sure they come from your heart and soul, for your overall well-being and for that of others.  The Universe supports anything that is life- and love-giving.

Step 5: Breakdown your priorities into 3 goals for each month for both your professional and personal life.  If you can't get set these for the whole year, at least write them down for the first 2 months and keep setting them as the year progresses.

Step 6: Share your intentions with some you love and trust so they can help you be accountable to yourself.

If you feel that you need the support of someone who is non-judgmental and wants to see the best of you come out in 2014, I would love to be your mentor through the Learn to Love Yourself: A Goddess Empowerment Program I only work with 5 people per month so I can give my utmost attention to each client.

Book your FREE Initial Session to see if this program will get you to where you need to be.

Here's to your blossoming in 2014!