Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How Energy Medicine Supports Emotional Healing

Often times we go through really difficult emotions – they can spring from memories of past hurt, loss of a friend, an argument with a co-worker, anxiety about the future, and so many other experiences.  These thoughts and feelings can be repeated in our minds over and over again, creating energy patterns within our body that can lead to muscle tension or even disease, as in the case of chronic emotional pain that exists within the subconscious mind from childhood or past life wounds. 
Talk therapy is an approach that many take to ease the emotions in order to bring them to light and access one’s true feelings and inner wisdom.  In the counsellor’s chair, one can cry and express anger, form a new understanding of the situation and access more inner strength for life.  The energy gets uprooted, yet there can still be a denseness that lingers for days, which can be debilitating for some and creates disturbances in other areas of life.  

But one does not need to suffer this way.  Energy medicine, like Reiki, offers a gentle approach to smooth out the rough edges that come with emotionally intense times in life.  It compliments well with traditional therapy, and is helpful when someone is going through a healing journey, when they are accessing past trauma or undertaking a massive personal transformation.  Yes, growth and letting go of the past is a stressful process, even though it is moving the person towards greater wellness.  It is not necessary to make it more difficult or burdensome than it needs to be.

Using the movement of hands, prayers of love and healing, and the power of quantum physics, which collapses space and time and understands the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe, Energy Medicine provides an opportunity for miracles to happen.  Like a magnet or a broom, Energy Medicine repels, releases and brushes away that which has been difficult or dense from the past or present, allowing a person to let go of a persistent pattern that gets locked in the energy field or aura so that he or she does not need to attract similar suffering or experiences again.  The client does not need to tell the whole story of the pain, in fact the story is what can keep that energy in place. Instead, the client lays down on the healing table and relaxes, allowing for the Wisdom of the Divine Energy to bring up the blockages and have them released from the energy field with ease.  

The proof is in the pudding, as they say, and there is no need to understand fully how it happens, other than the knowing that our thoughts and feelings create our physical reality and the power of attraction can bring us happiness or disease, depending on what we are processing.  When the client gets up from the table, they often say that they feel lighter, clearer, more peaceful and less agitated.  What used to bother the person no longer seems to have the same grip.  Although all of the emotions may not be cleared out, because healing is an ongoing journey of purifying the heart and mind, the client tends to find that they are able to manage better in their lives and go to a deeper level of themselves with greater clarity, having more energy to live life and make the changes that are required for greater well-being.  

It doesn’t mean it’s all roses, either.  There can be a healing reaction or even a soul crisis because the energy has shifted into a whole new realm and the person’s identity or relationship to the suffering is gone.  It’s like a purification of one’s consciousness, and it can impact the person’s physical body with detox symptoms such as needing to sleep deeply or being thirsty or having old physical pain resurface.  In holistic medicine this is considered to be a good thing as it is leading you towards greater integration of you mind, body and spirit. 

So instead of living with a heavy heart, feeling down for no reason, or staying in a rut while hiding under your covers, consider booking an Energy Healing session with a local practitioner. It may be the very thing that brings the spring back into your step…

Heather Embree is an Intuitive Healing Practitioner and Reiki Master in Guelph, ON who focuses on the divine empowerment of women so they can become the Goddesses of their lives. To find out more information about her and her services, visit: www.BlossomingHeart.ca