Intuition is
something that every person has, whether that be a sense of someone or a
situation, or the ability to perceive an outcome in advance. It is about being in a different place of “knowing”
that is beyond book knowledge and logic – it responds to the cycles of life,
love, energy and relationship dynamics. Intuition literally is about being “in tune”
with a different frequency of energy, much as you tune in a radio to the right
station. It comes from the understanding that every object, person,
organization, life form and body has a consciousness, wisdom and purpose to it,
and has information that it wants to share with us if we would only listen more
deeply. This understanding requires
stepping outside of the box of how we’ve been taught to perceive reality and
have a larger frame of reference about the interplay of everything that has
been created in the world.
Every person
who is willing to walk the path of an intuitive is continuously challenged to
break through the ego barrier of judgments, personal perceptions and feelings
of past hurts in order to be truly in service of others. An immature intuitive is usually like a kid
trying out a new toy and may project a whole lot of her own “stuff” onto
another person and be in a place of arrogance or “all knowing”, saying the
information in an insensitive way, believing she’s right. The kind of person
that says while you’re at your desk working, “well, you know, you’ve got to
talk to your husband because he’s about to have an affair and you have to set
him straight.” Her presence and manner is domineering and rings of her own
issues of a past partner who may have betrayed her and she’s putting all this
fear onto you. When she could actually
be picking up on a subtler dynamic where your partner is going through some
self-doubt about the relationship and it would be great if you had time to sit
down and chat. We all have to start
somewhere, but they are not ready to actually make a living of it and need to
learn aspects of intuitive ethics, professionalism and when to turn the gift on
and off.
A mature
intuitive is someone who you would want to entrust or hire because they have
done their personal growth and healing, and continue to do so. They approach the
work with a mind of respect and humility and only wait for you to ask, book an
appointment or ask you permission in advance.
She has learned to listen on a deep level instead of through the mind
chatter of what you want to hear or what she perceives as good or bad. She’s got a calm, yet spirited demeanor and
creates a peaceful container for the session.
So why would
you hire an intuitive? What can he or she help you with?
An intuitive
healing or reading can provide you with the experience of going deeper into
yourself and seeing your whole life experiences in the context of wisdom,
growth and sacredness as a divine being in this world. The intuitive will help
you develop greater awareness about what is behind your suffering so you can
master your life, energy, and the dynamics happening, giving you a sense of personal
power, peace, balance and direction. You
will discover the thoughts, actions, and behaviours that are and are not
serving you in the walk of life. You will be seen, heard and felt on a level
beyond the conscious mind, which brings more feelings of being supported in
becoming the person you are meant to be, rather than what everyone else wants
you to be. In this simple act, ailments
can start to dissipate, emotional and mental turmoil eases up and you see
yourself and your choices in a whole new way. Your body relaxes because it is
feeling understood. Your consciousness
and connection to life expands. What
could take you years to find the root of in traditional therapy, can be
uplifted for your self-examination in one session. Then you really can know what has been laying
underneath the surface of your difficulties then process it in your therapy
session or with your alternative health practitioner.
The key is
to find the intuitive practitioner that is right for you, because ever person
comes with their own unique approach and gifts.
If you feel you can open up, be understood, and feel safe when you speak
with the person, then you will know it is a right fit. That is why I offer initial free sessions so
I can be sure that I can align with the other person’s energy field and they
can assess if they like who I am and can trust opening up with me.