Monday, September 7, 2015

Do We Really Need Women's Retreats Nowadays?

In this day and age in the Western world, it may seem like it is unnecessary to offer women's-only gatherings, believing that these genderized polarities are part of the problem and we should be focused on bringing everyone together, despite their gender. I hear this from both men and women alike. And I've wondered myself -- is this really necessary? Isn't it just a matter of all of us just behaving with integrity and respect?

But the more and more I offer these types of retreats and workshops, the more I realize that indeed it still is necessary.  There is a massive movement happening in our culture and world, where we are moving towards a feminine approach. It is a necessary change, as we face greater destruction of all that seemed dependable – the climate, job security, family units, health, even the sense of a future. More than ever we need to reclaim the ancient teachings of women’s wisdom so we can bring back the values of balance, sharing, community relationships, vulnerability and nurturing, so we can operate and approach life from a humanitarian perspective rather than an ambitious perspective.  

A feminine approach honours silence, stillness, inner listening, and gentleness. Indeed, men and women are meant to integrate this quality into their daily lives. So it’s not ultimately about a person’s gender or body-type.  However, in a world of activity, harshness, addiction to violence and all things that numb us, much of the feminine approach still needs to be reclaimed and integrated. Women are the vessels and pioneers of this shift and need safe, healing and calming space in order to access this quality and share it in their communities. 

Because of the world we live in, most women have had to put up some defensive armor over their hearts in order to survive in a world that is out of integrity and does not honour the feminine approach.  With heightened pornography, sexual harassment and online dating, and media images that make women feel like they are not good enough, it is important for women to gather to talk about the difficulties we face on a daily basis and to offer support and guidance to each other to cope, knowing we are not alone.  Just simply sharing about one incident from a woman’s perspective can heal so many others who have been locked in silence, believing that they “shouldn’t feel that way” or they are being “too sensitive”. 

So through all of it, I would say there indeed is still a strong need for sanctuaries and forums for women to gather so we can breathe, feel like we aren't going to be "hit on" or criticized for speaking our true feelings and to have the space to reflect on what is true for us rather than what the world (or even feminism) expects women to become. We are needing to re-discover what gifts of ours are life-serving and what roles we want to participate in rather than what is automatically assigned to us by default. In order to be conscious, honest, caring and centred women, we need time out. It takes great strength and courage to not conform to the pressures of socialization but rather be totally authentic with oneself.  And in the company of others who “get it”, a woman can blossom her soul into what is true for her and not for everybody else.

If you are a woman who needs some time and space to re-group and reflect, please consider coming to an Open Your Heart Retreat. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO