Wednesday, February 24, 2016

How to Live a Heart-Centred Life

Living from the heart seems to be a spiritual ideal and something difficult to live on a daily basis. With the stress of bills, conflicting relationships, pressures to be a certain way, it is easy to get thrown off-centre. Yet, many of us can relate with that feeling of giving and speaking from a place of genuine care and love. From my experience, the doors of human compassion and the resolution of loneliness happens in that beautiful place.

In a culture that seems to actively strive to make our lives busy, individualistic and rooted in base values of just making money, it can be a radical thing to live from the heart -- that is to live a life of benevolent compassion.

When we are living from our hearts, we are choosing to put our values in the driver's seat. We are not so reactive to the demands of daily living but are steering all areas of our lives from the place of our core self -- our heart. We choose relationships over getting ahead; we take time to get to know a stranger; we become part of a caring cause; we invest in our personal and spiritual growth because we want to be more conscious and kind and aware people; we detach from drama and violence; we find ways to make our lives culturally rich; we create for the sake of it; we fall in love with something or someone; we put care and consideration into our daily tasks, we support others in expressing their truth and feelings. There are so many ways we can live from that place. The important thing is to choose to. Because it is a choice. It's the difference between living a full life of invisible blessings or a life of being alone but full of one's ego.

It's my business to help others move from their heads filled with feelings of fear and disorder and conflict, to a more calm place within the heart. I offer retreats, workshops, and one-on-one sessions to help us come back to the truth of our being. We each have the capacity to be more loving and wise, to attract more love and to radiate it out into the world. And the benefits are just endless when you do. 

If you feel you would like more support to connect with and live from your heart, consider booking a session with me.  I'd love to get to know you and your journey more.