Saturday, July 2, 2016

Deserving More

So many of us have been trained and conditioned to accept crumbs when it comes to love, life and affection.  Whether it be from growing up in a home that was just about surviving and getting through the day, or worse experiences of abuse, or learning how to be invisible out of fear or shyness, we have been taught to accept crumbs in various areas of our lives – relationships, money, home life, friends, food. And it becomes a pattern of living. 

Even the most “privileged” homes can create this, over-emphasizing one area of attention such as looks and achievement to the detriment of nurturing and affection.  I believe none of us are immune to ways we lower our standards in our lives and ourselves. Now I’m not talking about becoming entitled and superior. I’m talking about deservingness of treatment in the love and attention that we give and receive.  Over time, our hearts shut down from disappointment and we start making a whole host of beliefs of what we shouldn’t ask for or expect.

I will share with you my personal experience with accepting crumbs. There is a family story that says that my dad never gave me attention and gave it all to my sister. And my grandmother would dote on my sister with bags of candy while I would get just one. I was to be grateful for what I got – which is not a bad attitude to take but has led me to always accept second or third best in the way I am treated. 
I would get involved in relationships and stay longer than I should – these people would send messages that said they didn’t want to be with me then turnaround and change their mind. I would stay, finding all the reasons and excuses as to why they are treating me this way. I’d be overly compassionate. 
I also had neglectful parents – parents who never felt responsible to help me reach my potential, and would not offer me any financial support, even though they were able to.  Whenever I was in a position of success, my parents were not there.  This led me into feeling that I didn’t deserve much in the way of love, encouragement, and support in my goals and dreams. There must have been something more I had to be or do in order to receive more love. I didn’t see that I was surrounded by people who had no capacity to love and it was not because I didn’t deserve better or more. They were the ones who never saw me nor felt any responsibility to care for me. So I had to find ways to care for me. And I’m still learning all the time.

I have had to work hard at raising my standards in my life and how I wanted to be treated. I’ve had to have courage to detach and disconnect from family members and “friends” who did not have my best interest at heart, nor have compassion for my needs because most likely they didn’t know their deservingness.  I’ve had to re-align with my values and know that no matter if someone doesn’t see my worth or they don’t treat me well, it doesn’t mean that is what I should accept.  Because I know that the world of our divine heritage is one where we are meant to thrive and come into our own while treating others as divine beings, whether or not they know this about themselves. 

This is why I do what I do – serve women who have struggled with emotional abuse or neglect to help them grow in greater self-love and self-care.  Because I believe that many women, given the nature of our history and the roles we’ve been told to adopt, have been given the short-end of the stick. We have learned unconsciously to accept treatment of being seen as less than, invisible or incapable, as well as expected to be the all-nurturing “Mother Marys” of the world. Many of us have not been conditioned to care for ourselves, because it is seen as selfish, so we’ve made our lives all about others.  But it ends up leading us to burnout and toxic resentment, wondering why people aren’t supporting us the way we support them. We have not set our limit or put our foot down in raising our standards in what we deserve.

So I invite all those women who are wanting to grow in self-respect while feel, release and laugh at their past and struggles to come to my upcoming Open Your Heart Retreat Weekend for Women at Thirteen Moons on July 22-24th.  We will be doing sacred ceremony and sharing circles, embodying and releasing past emotional patterns that are blocking the flow of love and wellness in our lives, connecting with the healing energies of the Earth, and getting pampered with mini-spa treatments and detoxing food with Louise’s love. There will also be alone time for journaling, resting and reflecting.

I know that many women have a hard time saying “no” and allowing themselves to take time out of their busy schedule, preferring to put money towards friends, family or things that seem more important.  But what if investing in yourself would actually do wonders to have a more satisfying and enriching life, where you can learn how to see clearly and articulate what you want and need, rather than what others are trying to pull from you? Or there are blind spots from your past and family of origin that are making you pick all the wrong people and circumstances that are adding to your suffering? If you are ready to take just 2 days and 2 nights for yourself at this upcoming retreat, which has been named one of the best women’s retreats in the Toronto-area, please contact me at or call 226-500-7321.

Space is limited to 7 people, so if you are interested, it’s best to contact me right away.  For more info about the retreat, please visit:

If you have any questions, or you’d like to get to know me a bit better, please book a free Sharing Our Hearts session to see if we’re a right fit. 

I really want to have a weekend of relaxing, re-centering and expanding your understanding of what you deserve in love, life and relationships.

Heather Embree is a professionally trained medium, energy healing practitioner and spiritual teacher.  Over the past 6 years, she has helped over 1,000 clients worldwide with her one-on-one sessions and group workshops. Through her own personal healing journey from childhood abandonment and neglect, she has the unique ability to offer support, strength and insight into what is blocking each of us from giving and receiving love and trust. She studied under a self-taught First Nations Healer for 1.5 years, and learned about the teachings of the Sun Bear Medicine Wheel. She also learned how to energetically connect with others for soul healing and has formed an understanding of Spirit's ability to transform lives.  She is a trained Family Constellations facilitator, and has had profound healing experiences with clients, taking them to depths of healing not normally experienced in other sessions.  She has had 5 near death experiences, was raised in a family of clairvoyants and believers in the Other Side, and has had numerous spiritual experiences that have helped her grow into greater and greater confidence of the world beyond physical death.  She loves supporting the women's spiritual path, reclaiming our gifts, truths and sense of personal happiness to create a more loving and equal world.