Thursday, December 29, 2016

Setting New Intentions

There are various traditions around the world when the New Year begins. For some it is around Hallowe’en or Samhain, for others it’s at the Chinese New Year, for those of us in the West it is on January 1st, and for others it is during the Spring Time where there is fresh energy in the air.  

I always like working with collective consciousness for shifting old patterns and create new outcomes and destinies.  The end of a calendar year somehow allows us to reflect on where we’ve been, how it’s been and what we want to let go of. Couple this with a new moon, and we are ripe for going in to self-reflect, let go and set new intentions.

This past year, as every year before, brings its mix of blessings and challenges (or what can feel like cursings).  Yet, underneath it all is a divine force that is trying to lead us to our personal and spiritual growth and putting us on the path of our destiny.  It may mean some things crumble and yet there is a divine hand that also wants to see us succeed.  It can be hard to believe this in the mix of chaos, but I strongly believe the Universe wants balance, harmony and peace so whatever is out of alignment with this, will reveal itself in our lives. It can feel painful, heart-wrenching and absolutely insane at times. Yet it’s meant to be there to show us that we need to make a new choice in how we’re living. And we grow in self-knowledge. 

Some things I learned this year are:

  •  I get overwhelmed when working in a space with more than one other person. I pick up on everyone’s energy and I go out of balance. I need to work in my own space and on my own without feeling like I’m somehow incapable of co-operating.  So I’ve decided to move my practice to my home and online.

  • I am not a body worker or meant to do energy healing as my main practice anymore. This was a hard thing to let go, but because I have, I can move more into relating with others in the way that still reads energy and accesses higher wisdom

  • I am a seer, so I have to take care of what thoughts and perceptions I pick up from others.

  • I have to write in order to feel fulfilled, otherwise I sink into depression

  • I have PTSD from certain life experiences so I need to take care of my nervous system and not feel ashamed because I can’t take on too much

  • I love women’s literature and need to read more of it

  • I am drawn to support and serve child-free women as I get nourished and fulfilled with this community and its challenges and joys

  • Friends are gold. So are familiar and safe surroundings. When the chips are down, they are there for us to give us the perspective we need to feel loved and understood.

  • I need to be around people who are empathetic and I’m drawn to introverts as I need more of that in my life. I need more days of silence and going within.

  • I work best in partnerships of all kinds. It’s where my heart flourishes

There’s so much more I’ve learned about myself because of all the changes and challenges, as well as the blessings. I invite you to reflect on what you have learned as a result of this year so you can feel the strength and clarity to keep moving forward. Then set some new intentions for 2017.

As a result of this past year, I’ve set new intentions to:

  • Work from home
  • Expand my work to serve child-free women
  • Create a more caring circle of friends and community
  • Schedule time to write and meditate regularly
  • Continue belly dancing

  • Pay off my debts

  • Become a meditation facilitator

  • Continue on the path of the artist, seer and coach

I would love to hear your intentions and what you’ve learned about yourself.  Please send me an email to:  or post on my Facebook page at Blossoming Heart Divine Arts.

May 2017 bring you the abundance of love, prosperity and stability that you seek…

With hugs,

Heather and Max