Thursday, January 7, 2016…changes! Welcome to 2016!

I did one of those Facebook Quizzes to find out the theme for 2016 for me. It turned up the card, “changes” and I groaned. “Not again!” I wanted to scream. 

Last year was one change after the next, and feeling like I was not in the driver’s seat of those changes. My partner wanted to take time off the relationship as he was overwhelmed and feeling out of his own energy and truth. So I had to change my living conditions, and was fortunate to find a place that met every one of my checklist needs – this came from sending a prayer and commitment to Hestia, the Goddess of Hearth and Home. (He and I are still together, but living separately – though it was a stressful move, I see the higher wisdom now of why it had to happen for the sake of both of us). 

Then I had tenancy challenges with a roommate in my office space and all the signs were showing I needed to make a move. I had to trust the Universe to provide. And it did.  I was invited to have my practice at a community arts space, which was the perfect place to support me with launching my children’s book, The Stellar Queen of Oaxaca.  It was great for workshops and a feeling of support (which was what I asked the Universe for).  But it wasn’t the best place for one-on-one sessions and being around others who really had a spiritual understanding and perspective of life. 

So a new opportunity opened up and, voila, as of January 1st, I’m at a wellness centre at 44 Cardigan Street in Guelph, where I’m surrounded by other holistic practitioners and spiritually-minded people who appreciate this realm of work and healing.  
I’m explaining this, to give hope to those of you who find yourself wondering if you have the strength, or if the support is there to help you through unknown changes. Often times we stay stuck in a circumstance, dynamic or relationship because we are afraid that there is nothing there for us if we made a change. These are pivotal points towards your personal happiness and well-being.  It’s also helpful to know that if someone else is not behaving well, or has to withdraw their love and affection, that there is support in our own movement forward towards that which is well and caring, instead of staying and taking sub-standard treatment. 

If you’re going through Changes, or need the strength and faith to make them happen, here are some tips to get you through it:

1)      Allow yourself to surrender to the situation and trust there is a higher reason why this is happening. If you can hold the perspective that the Universe wants all beings to be well, happy and healthy, then you may see that this is leaving your life so healthy dynamics and relationships can come in.

2)      Send a prayer or intention to the Universe, and with it, make a commitment or promise you can keep. Many of us have lost touch with the power of prayer/intentions that are spoken and felt with your whole heart. We are in an intimate dance with the divine, and the move love and integrity you give to the world, the more the universe will want to support you.

3)      Reach out for strength in the support of others as you move through this.  A support group, a soul reading (click here for more info), going on a retreat, going to a therapist or counsellor, are all ways that can help you see clearly the issues and dynamics you are working with.

4)      Take care of your body…these are stressful times. So be sure to go to sleep on time, drink lots of water, eat your greens and take your vitamins, and consider going to a massage therapist/spa to stay connected to your body.

5)      Create a vision board to help you see a new way of life or being for yourself.

If you need any support or a retreat, please consider finding out more about my services and offers to keep your heart open. I offer a FREE Sharing Our Hearts Session to see if I can be of assistance.  

Please remember, you are not alone through these times of change.

With warm hugs,

Heather Embree

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Do You Care Too Much?

Are you one of those people who would do anything to help a friend out? Who will listen to her problems until 11 at night, even though you planned to go to bed by 10? Who feels the suffering of complete strangers and wish you could do more, and may even feel guilty because you can’t?  Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and even moody because you’ve emotionally spent yourself? Perhaps you’ve lost hope in love and kindness?

Well you are not alone. In this world, empathetic people have to face a s*#t-storm of emotions where there are still many conflicts, injustices and horrible news stories.  We have to find a way to balance our own truths and needs with those of others’ pain and suffering. Then we get energetically drained, or “zapped”, having to take days to recover.  

There’s also the circumstance where the empath uses all of his inner strength to listen deeply, care for others, relate, only to discover that those others can’t return the same level of compassion and understanding. 

I know, because this is me. I am the kind of person who wants to run orphanages, to scoop up kids living in horrible conditions and show them what they truly deserve. I’m the one who wants to change every inequality – where I despise prejudice and bigotry of any kind. I want to be the leader who brings in democracy in the world, and a sense of human rights and animal rights so everyone knows that they are loveable and safe.  If only I had the cash, the years, the foundation or outlet to do more.  But I’m one person, with my own resources and challenges, and I must know my limits, which is not easy for empaths like me.  

I roller-coaster between serving others and having to take time out and retreat in order to collect my energy and my core self. I have had to learn about boundaries and to heal my inner wounds from childhood challenges so I can keep a soft heart while not having a codependent dynamic. I have to get energy healing regularly, so I can release all that is not mine and stay in my own skin. I have had to find ways to stay grounded, focused and inwardly strong on my personal values and mission. It’s not easy with all the distractions in the world and the pressure to stay mindful so as to not cause further harm.

I believe that these are ongoing challenges for myself and for other empaths I’ve met. This is why I have created the Webinar: How toProtect Your Kind Heart in a Cruel World.  I will be hosting it on Wed January 20th at 2:30 p.m. EST and Friday January 22nd at 11:00 a.m. EST.   

If you’d like to join me for this crucial talk so you don’t become disheartened with the world, please sign up here.

Sign up for FREE now!