Saturday, October 28, 2017

Opening to Truth through Family Constellations

as published in the December 2012 issue of

There are many people out there who groan about their family, citing many examples and reasons why it is justified. They begrudgingly meeting at holiday times, putting on pretend smiles while secretly watching the clock for the time to go home.   At the core level, these people are saying: “they don’t understand me at all”, “I’m a black sheep”, “They’re crazy”, “I’m so ashamed of how they behave”, “Whatever did I do in a past life to be from a family like this?”, “It’s all their fault of why I am the way I am”, “If only they could have given me the love I needed then I wouldn’t have these problems in life”. 

In many ways this is how I viewed my own family. I was the one who moved away from home hoping to become someone different, a more idealized version of what I saw as someone better than them.  By the time I hit 30 years old, I looked at my life and saw that I was replicating the exact same patterns in my life that I despised in my family, leaving me feeling alone, frustrated, in deep confusion and powerless.  I couldn’t understand why this suffering kept following me around in life – that no matter where I went I couldn’t seem to find the loving relationship I desired. I couldn’t make a decent income. I was riddled with conflicts with others and had no sense of inner strength to cope with the issues and wounds that other people carried in life. I had no idea why we all had to suffer in this way, as the creeping indigestion at every family function would dash away any hopes for peace and harmony on this earth. 

A pivotal point on my life journey was when I realized that I could go to a foreign country, look at a soldier carrying a gun and have more feelings of love and compassion for his life than I could for my own family back home. In fact, I was deathly afraid of seeing my family and I had no idea why.  Something inside me knew that I had to face what it was I was so afraid of, and what seemed to be so ridiculous since they weren’t carrying guns nor threatening to harm me. So I returned to Guelph and decided to see myself, my motivations and ego state more clearly, even if it meant that I could be wrong about everything I believed to be true about my family.

I stumbled upon Family Constellations – a unique group modality that brings people to the soul of their family system, including ancestors who have passed on, shedding light on all that has been hidden and what people don’t want to see.  Bert Hellinger, the founder of this work, has brought together the principles of psychodrama, shamanism, spiritual psychotherapy and channeling as a way to bring peace through clarity and understanding. For over 30 years, he has presented this work to nations around the world, receiving great criticism and success, because he is showing us that no matter how hard we try to suppress the ugly and wrong, it will pop up into reality somewhere down the generational line.  

He has discovered that the people who are currently living will carry the suffering of the people who have passed on before them, as an act of loving service, so those who have been forgotten or misplaced will be seen and acknowledged. Through this work, he shows that we are subconsciously loyal to the victims or the perpetrators within our family system, and will perpetuate this cycle of suffering until every person is honoured and respected – including those we deem horrible and awful.  So a person who is carrying mental illness may be doing this in honour of an aunt who was sent away to a mental institution and completely forgotten about.   Or someone who has a deep fear of heights may be picking up on the energy of someone who bombed a village of people during the war.  By revealing these truths, at last people can face forward with strength and consciousness instead of looking to the past through hidden behaviours. 

Family Constellations is something to be experienced for the open-minded and those desiring to be humbled by their assumptions of reality, truth and good/bad.  It is a gateway to resolving the inner conflicts that trigger us as we go through life, allowing us to face the perpetual patterns of challenges we have such as debt, physical ailments, fears and anxieties.  If you decide to attend a gathering of Family Constellations, expect the unexpected. The work is slow. It doesn’t try to fix anything. It reveals what is lying under the surface of your life and of your family members. It brings a larger understanding of dynamics amongst individuals, families, nations, and historical events and the impact this has had on us now.   It will change the way you see yourself, your family and your own beliefs of the position everyone is in.  Because in truth, everything is in perfect order, even that which we don’t want to see or believe. Come when you have a persistent issue. Come when you feel things are falling apart. Come when you are seeking answers. Come to simply be a witness. Come when you feel you are ready.
Heather Embree is a Soul (Family) Constellations facilitator and Intuitive Healing Arts Practitioner in Guelph, ON. For more information about her and Family Constellations, please visit:

Monday, October 23, 2017

Thankfully, How Crisis Shatters Perfectionism

I recently visited my therapist. I love therapy. (I think every person should do therapy with the right person.). I've been facing the roots of old traumas for the past 2 years (thanks to the triggers of the political atmosphere, a painful breakup, and living in a haunted house in a downtown setting for some time-- for real!).

In our session, where I dragged my caring fiancee, Ted, along, I had a surprising emotional breakdown.  I realized that one of my barriers to really feeling my feelings and going into the roots of my issues, was the part of me that was afraid of not having it together, to not be attractive or beautiful in my partner's eyes.  This was surprising to me because I kinda prided myself on being real, authentic and not following the traditional path of womanhood.  Yet, this perfect, super woman who feared being rejected because she had baggage, she had pain, she had fears and insecurities, was lingering in the depths of the psyche.   Seeing the true and deep reality of this perfectionistic script has been really revealing to me. 

Feeling inferior or incapable or inadequate is the layer beneath perfectionism.  It causes dreadful things like people pleasing, trying to fit into the wrong circles, feeling hurt and rejected and not good enough. It's an awful thing to bear.  Yet, facing this part of my ego, I'm able to really get free of it.  Whether it is the perfect business person, perfect lover, perfect friend, perfect spiritual person. Who cares?

What's important is making sure I live a balanced life, honouring my talents and abilities, and serving others in the world who can benefit from what I have to offer. Nothing wild and crazy or needing to climb mountains (unless that is satisfying to me and not something I'm trying to prove).  When I'm nourished, it nourishes others. That's the main work that needs to be done in the world.

The actual work of letting go of the mask of perfection is tough work.  It can look "ugly", with snotty kleenexes and all.  But it is so freeing and awesome and leads to such a depth of peace and wholeness, beyond all understanding.  Some say it takes courage to go there, I say it just takes willingness and the right support people.