Monday, December 11, 2017

Extracting the Wisdom from 2017

Every December, I look back on what happened, what worked, what didn’t, what hurt and what dreams are still lingering in my heart and who were the most influential people in our lives (positive and negative). 

I will usually find three words to describe the year, so I can sort through what it was all about.  For me, 2017 was about:  Courage, Boundary-setting and Equality.  

This year I turned 40 years old, I got engaged for the first time in my life and we moved in together, I initiated a new business called The Child-free Heart, wrote a romance novel, did deep healing around traumas and childhood issues, let go of people and situations who no longer served my heart and spirit, and did a Bellydancing recital to celebrate my middle-aged body, sexuality and inner child’s love of dancing. I can’t say it’s been an easy year, but I’d say it has been a year of healing and emergence.

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice, or nothing at all, we can probably all relate with the reality that there is a sense of closure in the month of December. 

The holidays then can come with a feeling of celebration and gratitude for each other, so we can start anew.

I invite you to try this process of self-reflection so you can extract the wisdom and find closure.  Here are some questions to consider:
1)      What were my achievements this year?
2)      What were the most meaningful events that happened?
3)      What were the things that caused me joy?
4)      What were the things that caused me pain?
5)      What did I learn about myself and others this past year?
6)      What dreams didn’t come true?
7)      What do I need to let go of?
8)      Who were the true friends or supportive people in my life? What made them good people for me?
9)      Who were the difficult people in my life? What did they have to teach me?
10)   What wounds do I still carry with me?
11)   What do I feel I “failed” at?
12)   What are new understandings I have about my life?

Yes, these may seem like intense questions, but they really get you into the heart of the matter of the areas of your life that you are growing into and away from.  To have true peace, we need to be emotionally honest and know ourselves deeply.  If we don’t, we create more suffering in ourselves and our lives. 

I’d love to hear from you about what 2017 was like for you.

If you would like a Month-by-Month Soul Reading for 2018 so you can see what layers and wisdom you are needing to address in your life and relationships, giving you a higher perspective, I am offering them now until the end of January. 

Sending you lots of love and peace and blessings!

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