Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Just Chill...

As some of you know, I was away in Alberta last month. It was an absolutely amazing trip in many ways.  My greatest joy was being so close to the elements and nature with my fiancĂ©. I had the chance to stay at a place in the rural area outside of Calgary, where the land is flat and dry, even with the snow blanketed on the earth, and the mountains look like watercolour renderings in the background.  We spent 3 days in Canmore, right in the midst of the Rocky Mountains, and there I felt the most healing of being around such majestic beauty.  The mountains have a way of bringing a sense of stability and strength, knowing that they are way bigger than any of the problems we face on a daily basis.

The culture in Canmore is one of health, well-being and nature.  There are skiiers, hikers, bikers and snowboarders everywhere. It’s a perfect spot for those into holistic healing, where yoga, massage, pilates and meditation are the norm. But not that healthy, where folks still enjoy drinking pints of local brew.  Even the bunnies there are friendly – every day they would follow me to the car, looking for a little treat (see the photo below).   It’s my heaven, to say the least.

While spending a day there on my own, walking, contemplating and releasing the stresses from Ontario, I had some major insights and personal healing.  The clearest one being that I am a Relaxation Therapist.  When that term came to me, it made so much sense.  I’ve been wondering what my next path was as a healer – did I need to go back to school? Was I to be a psychotherapist? A massage therapist? A yoga teacher? But relaxation therapist fits just right. I'm doing it already with the energy balancing sessions and intuitive guidance.
As a holistic healer, I never wanted to treat pain and illness, per se. I just wanted to help people grow in loving and caring for themselves and others.  I've found that in order for us to truly listen to ourselves and our hearts, we just can't be in a place of stress. When people get a chance to take a break and relax, they can let go of all defenses and allow themselves to feel and open up, sometimes for the first time, and get the spiritual issues they need.. 

As many doctors will attest, the source of many illnesses is stress and inflammation.  Stress, in my view, means we are out of alignment with who we are and we are making decisions from a place of pain, fear, desperation or survivalism. If we can move out of that place and re-connect to the calmness within, then we can start making traction towards a truly transformative life.

As a trauma survivor myself, I understand how stress can take over. I've had to find ways to manage my physical and emotional stress because of it. Physical and emotional safety are paramount and there is a need to honour that in the healing and relaxation process.

I believe that most people are stressed, especially in this modern world, but everyone has a different level of stress that is personal for them, depending on one's background and life experiences. We also each have our own unique stressors that can make or break us, and it is up to us to know this deeply about ourselves.

Some tell-tale signs of stress are:
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Digestive problems
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Getting wrapped up in other people’s business
  • Nothing working properly
  • Making poor choices
  • Feeling angry or disheartened often
  • Tense body
Are you noticing these signs for yourself?

I invite you on this journey of more relaxation with me. It could be the key to help you understand the issues on a deeper level. It’s the best way I feel I can help with bringing peace on earth.

You are welcome to book an in-person
energy balancing session in Guelph or a distance session (via Zoom) to help you come more into ease and balance. Or a soul intuitive reading will offer you a higher and deeper perspective on how to live closer to your truth and deal with the relationship dynamics in your life, which is one of the major stressors we all face.  

I look forward to helping you chill out, offering great peace for you and all those around you.

with sincerity and hugs,

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