Friday, July 24, 2015

Fundraiser for The Stellar Queen of Oaxaca

Have In-Person Retreats Become a Revolutionary Act?

I just learned that McDonald’s Restaurants will be replacing their employees with computer terminals.  This can seem like progress in the eyes of our market-driven society. Yet there’s something in us that knows this will have a big impact in how our economy and society works. What happens to the people who lose their jobs? What will it feel like without the human connection to ordering our food, if this becomes a trend with other food businesses? The free smiles? The hellos? 
The more automated our lives are becoming, the more loneliness and social isolation there is. This move by McDonald’s has been coming with the increased technology in our world, where people are hooked to their smartphones, computers and tvs, believing this is life and relating.  I’m sorry to say but it is all artificial relating, and communication through computer technology can lead to bullying, violence, impersonal insensitivities, indifference, etc.  

But human beings need contact with each other in order to feel loved, to grow as people, to be accountable, to find compassion, to know they matter and to bring out their gifts and talents to benefit the world. Is it any wonder we have increased depression? Increased violence? Increased learning disabilities? Increased substance abuse?  Because we don’t have safe places of community to express our feelings, to check our behaviour, to talk about our dreams, to realize we actually exist.

This is why I organize in-person retreats and workshops, even though they are a lot of work to put together. Because we each need the time and space to let go of our roles and responsibilities, to hug each other just out of our humanity, to laugh and cry together, to feel our feelings in a safe space, to know it’s okay to ask for help and be vulnerable, to be willing to take time out while feeling supported.  Studies have been shown that when women gather together their hormones actually become balanced. 

I never thought organizing in-person events would be revolutionary. They used to be normal, an average thing to do. But as I send the message out to others about my retreats, over the last few years, I’ve seen the momentum decline – not just for mine, otherwise I’d take it personally. It’s been happening to retreat owners and retreat facilitators.  

Many people are thinking they can get support through an online retreat or working with a coach at a distance. Though they have their merits, there’s nothing that beats time to sit with others, relax into yourself, be in a new setting and sharing stories. It breaks one out of the lonely box and brings in joy, connection, hugs, tears and compassion.  We are alive human beings. We are meant to play together, laugh together and share food and stories together. We are not meant to sit in boxes and stagnate.
I do believe that there will be a tipping point to this high tech world and the deep loneliness and mental/emotional illness that stems from it, for it will push us to come back to simpler approaches like handmade food, mom and pop restaurants and sharing circles.  

So please, before you get entrenched into social isolation, consider going to an in-person retreat – mine or another’s, as I really prefer you surround yourself with others who are willing and wanting to see you grow and heal.  

It’s imperative for your health and well-being in so many, many ways.

Heather Embree is a soul reader and coach, workshop and retreat facilitator, writer and communications consultant for compassionate projects. She has an upcoming “Heal Your Heart Retreat Weekend for Women”, Aug 21-23rd near Peterborough, ON.  For more info, visit: or

Monday, July 20, 2015

Commitment to One's Self

I've had to make some strong choices because a woman just can't do everything. 

I decided to use my Personal Soul Constellations tools to help me determine what route to go down with my business. So much was revealed to me on a profound level.  Well, it showed that doing energy healing and Reiki was actually something that isn't part of my soul purpose was actually depleting me -- which makes sense because I'm a sensitive and an empath and I'm more likely to pick up on other people's energies. It also showed that my love of the divine, the spiritual world, mediumship, soul coaching, and tools to do divination are the closest to my authenticity -- along with art and writing. 

I realized that being an energy healer or bodyworker always met with struggle or some kind of difficulty. Because what I care the most about is opening people up to love within and Divine Love around them (which is why I was drawn to Reiki in the first place). 

I actually had a Spirit Guide come to me in a dream and told me very clearly -- "To master death, you need to master life, to master life, you need to master Love."  So how can I ignore this mission? 

So if you were one of my clients who prefers my energy healing work or teaching Reiki, I will do it on request happily.  But you won't find it on my web site. Just send me an email directly (

Often times, I've found, that heartbreak or disillusionment is a precursor to motivating us to commit to ourselves on a much deeper level, knowing that if you betray yourself, you will experience great sadness and frustration in your life.  But, as I've had to learn and understand, it's not always easy to determine what that is. If you need some extra support and guidance, using soul tools, please consider booking a FREE Get to Know Each Other Session so I can determine what your needs are.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Holistic Health and Increased Regulations

To whom it may concern,

I’m writing as a holistic practitioner in Ontario.  I love the work I do and see wonderful benefits for my clients.

I am noticing something of deep concern – the increased regulations in Canada of many modalities in the health care field (acupuncturists, psychotherapists, counsellors, naturopaths, etc.). 

The most recent concern is around the Controlled Act of Psychotherapy Legislation which states that "treating by means of psychotherapy technique, delivered through a therapeutic relationship, an individual's serious disorder of thought, cognition, mood, emotional regulation, perception or memory that may seriously impair the individual's judgment, insight, behaviour, communication or social functioning"  and somebody who isn't registered with the College of Psychotherapists of Ontario who uses these techniques could be "fined up to $25,000 and imprisoned" creates an intimidating atmosphere for holistic practitioners.
I would really appreciate if you could provide specific wording for the community that alleviates this concern.

There are many people who are advocating around this legislation and there are conflicting legal opinions out there as to how little or how great of an issue this is. There is a lot of discussion around corporate interests motivating this legislation. I am not sure what to believe at this point.  And I'm not a trained lawyer or political activist. I am an average citizen and entrepreneur and I can only speak to what it's like from my perspective.

On paper, it seems like it is an Act that protects the public, and I agree there have been many transgressions by people who call themselves therapists or ministers, etc, which we need to be vigilant about. I myself have had harm by unqualified people who didn't know about the effects of trauma. So, in essence, I support the College of Psychotherapists in ensuring there are safeguards to ensure that nobody is harmed.
“treating, by means of psychotherapy technique, delivered through a therapeutic relationship, an individual’s serious disorder of thought, cognition, mood, emotional regulation, perception or memory that may seriously impair the individual’s judgement, insight, behaviour, communication or social functioning” - See more at:

But there is a bigger issue, where there is some gray area of what a psychotherapeutic relationship is and what is a serious mental disorder, and even how to identify what harm is (I know that sounds silly, but often in holistic healing there are healing reactions where clients feel worse before they get better because they are detoxing emotionally and energetically). 

Often people come to us in distress, either because the therapy they are getting isn't working or they can't afford psychotherapy's costs, or they aren't comfortable with that type of setting.  They want an alternative approach and many walk out feeling more energized, clearer, healthier, happier and positive. This is not to demean the great work of the traditional medical model for it is very important and provides a great benefit and service to the public. Many psychotherapists and those in the medical profession today would agree that they appreciate their clients going to other forms of self-care in addition to traditional care. If fact, many of them learn the techniques from us to incorporate in their practice.

However, this Act is causing great concern for holistic practitioners, because it is stating that only certain types of professionals can be in a therapeutic relationship with a client around mental and emotional issues -- namely psychotherapists, mental health counsellors, social workers and occupational therapists.  These groups have clearly been consulted and included. But holistic practitioners have not.  

What many of us do can seem like it is psychotherapeutic due to the response clients have with our work.  Some people have emotional releases, others go into deep healing – one can never know what will come up for the person because holistic health treats the whole person, not part of them, through mind, body, spirit exercises.  Some of us do energy work, coaching, holistic counselling, body awareness work, affirmation tools, or hypnosis, others use psychic channelling and readings, and others will offer some advice or counselling for the person so they have some direction (which could be to go and seek a therapist because it is outside of our scope). 

What I feel our community needs is reassurance from the government that we will not be persecuted and sued simply for offering a service to the community, giving people the option to seek us out. Of course, we have to abide by the regular laws of not harming others with violence, abuse or mentally warping them. For anyone who is practicing wholeheartedly, we want nothing but well-being for the client. 

I don’t see any problem with stating that holistic practitioners cannot call themselves psychotherapists or that they can’t say they heal or cure serious mental health issues – they can’t do that for physical issues either. 
“treating, by means of psychotherapy technique, delivered through a therapeutic relationship, an individual’s serious disorder of thought, cognition, mood, emotional regulation, perception or memory that may seriously impair the individual’s judgement, insight, behaviour, communication or social functioning”. - See more at:
psychotherapy to the existing list of 13 controlled acts within subsection 27 (2) of the RHPA, defining the new controlled act as, “treating, by means of psychotherapy technique, delivered through a therapeutic relationship, an individual’s serious disorder of thought, cognition, mood, emotional regulation, perception or memory that may seriously impair the individual’s judgement, insight, behaviour, communication or social functioning”. - See more at:

The increasing regulations, education and fees that are required are actually making it inaccessible for people to do holistic healing, which would make it a field that will only be available to the elite.  Many people who go into this field don’t have a lot of money and can’t afford to take years of training. And many of the modalities don’t require it.  We all have a right to doing meaningful work, despite our socio-economic status.   

Also, many small businesses are run by holistic practitioners and putting them out of business through intense regulatory standards is not in the best interest of the economy. You will have more people who are poor or unemployed, not actively making a contribution to society, by enforcing this Act without considering the unique culture of holistic practitioners. 

I agree that holistic practitioners need to become more educated around mental health issues with clients, and I would encourage a basic, affordable course they need to take in order to practice in Ontario (the CMHA’s Mental Health First Aid is one I would recommend to start with).  But if we have to become psychotherapists in order to practice, that will surely put everyone out of business. 

You see, people get into holistic healing for various reasons, but not because it’s a big money maker. It could be because of a health concern they or a loved one has gone through, or that the medical model has failed them, or that they see the environmental concerns facing the planet and want to make a difference. The range of modalities is broad as well as the salaries within this field.

Many clients come to us because they have become disillusioned by the traditional medical model, feeling like it is just feeding them pills and pumping them through a system.  By regulating all of this the government is taking away our fundamental human right to choose our own approach to treating our body and health. 

Natural Health is not a threat to the medical system – it complements it so people don’t need to get to the point of crisis that leads them to have to go to the doctor or the hospital. Having citizens take their health into their own hands and choose a holistic health therapy actually saves the government lots of money because they don’t get sick as often or have to go to the hospital.  This saves taxpayer’s money, obviously.  Can these two approaches to health work together?  

I do hope the government can truly examine the implications of making heavy regulations that stifle the culture and nature of holistic health because we are good people who care about the well-being of the world.

I’m sure many holistic practitioners would be open to consultations to advise what would be a workable solution.  

I invite your reply and hope we can make a mutually beneficial agreement to the Controlled Act of Psychotherapy.

Heather Embree

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How Genuine Prayer Can Change Your Circumstances

I've nearly bottomed out many times in my life. Times where I've had to face life or death circumstances, where the only thing I had left was prayer, genuine prayer, the kind of prayer that makes you want to negotiate everything with the divine. And I'm still here, standing, faithful and in a place that continues to serve. Because it worked.

Now I'm not talking about rote prayers from a sacred book. Though these can help to remind us of the nature of the divine, they are not necessarily personal or intimate to what's going on in our hearts and what we need in our lives.  I'm talking about the prayers that can happen in moments, the kind that can be there when you sing for comfort or joy, the prayers that are said out loud to a friend who needs compassion. Real, everyday life words that evoke a higher presence of love and compassion.

I almost had the Pacific Ocean engulf me and pull me out to it. While I was tumbling underwater, trying to hold a place of peace within, I sent a prayer to the divine to get me out of this alive. And somehow, I didn't get pulled into the undertow, bang my head on a rock or get bulldozed by another wave. I bounced to the top, feet able to touch the sand and walked out -- indeed stunned -- to my loved on on the beach. 

Another time, prayer worked when I was a kid living in Jamaica for 3 years and I so desperately wanted to go back home to Canada where my grandparents were. I even have my deep desire and call to God marked in my journal when I was that age. Literally, three days later, I was on a plane trip to Canada and never to return to live in Jamaica again.

I also sent another prayer when I was in a revolutionary crisis in Mexico and I needed to take the last bus out of there by myself to go to Mexico City so I could catch a plane hope. I prayed to have protection, a kind person to sit beside. Wouldn't you know, I sat beside a man who gave me his business card which said "Spirit Guide" and his main purpose, he felt, was to go and do spiritual healing for people who were sick. No kidding. I can't make this up!

My most recent prayer had to do with finding a home. My partner and I had decided to live separately but still have a relationship together. We are both creative spiritual types and found living together totally overwhelming with all of the energies we brought in our daily lives. So needing to live somewhere else within 8 weeks' time, I had a pressure to find a place that could be my sanctuary. I made an altar, sent a prayer to Hestia -- the Goddess of Home and Hearth -- made a list of what I was looking for and....voila! I got every single item on the list, include the exact amount of rent I was willing and able to pay. And I love my home and cherish it so much.  The landlady has actually asked me, or perhaps its Hestia working through her, to do energy clearing in the home so it feels good -- one of my joys and specialties.  Sooooo....I'm here to say that prayer, when done with a sincere heart, is so powerful. 

It doesn't mean that it always works. Of course, I've prayed for world peace, the end of abusive relationships for friends and families, for winning the know, the usual.  And sadly those prayers don't seem to be answered. However, it doesn't mean they aren't heard. I've had to learn there is a higher wisdom, there is free will of people being jerks, there is some kind of divine order that needs humans to wake up even if it's through their suffering, and that I'm not meant to just win a million bucks because if I did I just might take off somewhere and hide on an island and not make a contribution to the world, cause I do have a lazy gene in me that likes to isolate myself and daydream -- the curse of being a clairvoyant, spiritual type.

So please, just because religion has sullied the notion of prayer, doesn't mean the universe isn't listening.  It can soothe your heart, move mountains in ways you may never dream of, solidify commitments you make to yourself and others and gives you a sense of something deeper and greater moving in the world.  

with all my heart to yours,

Heather Embree