Monday, July 20, 2015

Commitment to One's Self

I've had to make some strong choices because a woman just can't do everything. 

I decided to use my Personal Soul Constellations tools to help me determine what route to go down with my business. So much was revealed to me on a profound level.  Well, it showed that doing energy healing and Reiki was actually something that isn't part of my soul purpose was actually depleting me -- which makes sense because I'm a sensitive and an empath and I'm more likely to pick up on other people's energies. It also showed that my love of the divine, the spiritual world, mediumship, soul coaching, and tools to do divination are the closest to my authenticity -- along with art and writing. 

I realized that being an energy healer or bodyworker always met with struggle or some kind of difficulty. Because what I care the most about is opening people up to love within and Divine Love around them (which is why I was drawn to Reiki in the first place). 

I actually had a Spirit Guide come to me in a dream and told me very clearly -- "To master death, you need to master life, to master life, you need to master Love."  So how can I ignore this mission? 

So if you were one of my clients who prefers my energy healing work or teaching Reiki, I will do it on request happily.  But you won't find it on my web site. Just send me an email directly (

Often times, I've found, that heartbreak or disillusionment is a precursor to motivating us to commit to ourselves on a much deeper level, knowing that if you betray yourself, you will experience great sadness and frustration in your life.  But, as I've had to learn and understand, it's not always easy to determine what that is. If you need some extra support and guidance, using soul tools, please consider booking a FREE Get to Know Each Other Session so I can determine what your needs are.

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