Thursday, October 1, 2015

Aligning the Heart In Your Life

As many of you know, I'm passionate about getting people more into their heart, knowing that this is where true satisfaction, love, wisdom and honesty lives.

Each time I peel away at a layer of my soul, revealing a new truth or understanding, I find that my life takes a drastic turn. Though this can feel unstable for a while, I always trust that it's leading me to where it is more authentic for me.  I encourage every person going through difficult changes to try and see that perhaps this is in one's life to guide one closer to what is in integrity, which is the "state of being whole, undivided."

Often times we get upset when things don't work out for us, believing we "attracted this into our life" and have the power to "unattract it".  On one level, yes, we have brought this in, but on another level it is also be a form of divine guidance or protection from our guides and angels, ensuring that we are making choices that are in alignment with our true nature, not our ego.

The spiritual path is, ultimately, the way of the heart.

When we can see clearly the meaning and the higher movement to our circumstances, it's amazing the way doors will open afterwards -- that spiritual gateway that reveals why and how and who we are.

This year has been filled with a ton of changes for me -- leading me closer to my artist self.  Without these changes, I wouldn't have been passionate about getting my children's book,
The Stellar Queen of Oaxaca, out to the world. Nor would I have had the courage to give my notice in where I was working at the Terrace because I wasn't feeling the support of like-hearted people in the building. I took a risk, not knowing where I would go next. Then, voila, a door opened to set up my business for 3 days a week at Silence Sounds - a funky music, community arts and energetic healing venue in downtown Guelph. I'm now surrounded with people who are "like me" in our goals, outlooks, values, etc.

It takes courage to
listen to your heart and follow it, trusting that doors will open and opportunities will align.

I invite you to really look into your truth, examine what feels loving, honest, deep and real for you. When you go to that place, you will feel the heartbeat of the Creator, and feel in harmony with all other beings in life.

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