Friday, October 23, 2015

Who Has Time For Love?

We hear about how love is the truth, and that we are here on this earth journey to learn these lessons and how to grow spiritually. 

But, honestly, much of the journey of being human is difficult – there are real threats or dangers and divisions, much less the issue of being a fragile person who needs to create some stability in life. Often times, our immediate needs can over-ride our soul’s voice and we lose touch with who we really are and why we’re really here. 

This is why I created the Open Your Heart Webinar Series and am offering for FREE this coming Tuesday Oct 27th and Thurs October 29th. I’ve invited four people who I deeply respect because they have shown dedication and commitment to their passion and service in the world. 

Russell Scott – my love partner – will be the first speaker. He’s the author of the book Awaken the Guru in You, and he’s a stellar retreat leader (If I may say so, even with my biased opinion).  He helps people awaken to their true self through a unique contemplative technique. What takes years for some people can take days on his retreats. For real! He will be speaking about “Living From the Heart” on Tuesday the 27th at 1:00 p.m. EST  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFO

Moragh Lippert – a long-time friend and colleague – will present next on the topic of “The Heart of Forgiveness”. Moragh is a holistic nutritionist and yoga/meditation teacher. She will share stories on how forgiveness is a key component on the path to health.  She specializes in serving people with addictions and mood disorders and understands that self-forgiveness is the most important aspect to the recovery path.  She will be presenting on Tues Oct 27th at 4:00 p.m. EST  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFO

Louise Racine – she is the Goddess hearth matron of Thirteen Moons Wellness where I host my retreats. She has made a life path of serving women to slow down and to take care of themselves from the inside out as an Retreat Owner, Holistic Nutritionist and Arbonne Consultant. She has a lot to share on the topic of “Self-Care as a Spiritual Act” on Thurs Oct 29th at 2:00 p.m. EST  CLICK HERE TO REGISTEROR FOR MORE INFO

Lori Bateman – a woman I met a few years ago who I have deep respect for in her commitment to creating a unique business, Open Heart Journals, which keeps people in their hearts through journaling as a gift and expression of love. She has personal experience with the transformative power of simply writing out and creating books that capture memories, loves and vulnerabilities so that relationships can be cherished. She will speak about “Giving and Receiving Love” on Thurs Oct 29th at 7:30 p.m. EST  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFO

All 4 Speakers will be offering specials for those who register for the Webinar Series. I will also announce discounts and options for my upcoming Open Your Heart Weekend Retreat for Women – there are only 4 spots left for it! – in November 13th-15th.
So be sure to reserve your spot ASAP and join us on the webinar.

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