Tuesday, November 10, 2015

For Weary Hearts

I created Blossoming Heart Divine Arts with the intention of being a place for people to feel loved. In this world of stress, challenges and a whole lot of unhealthy behaviour, I wanted to create a haven where a person can be seen, heard and held in a safe, non-judgmental and gentle way.  The services I offer are to enhance this experience for each person. I especially love helping people who are caring types and are going through issues of compassion fatigue, heartache, feeling lost, or just plain ol' stressed. 


A friend of mine expressed some confusion over the term "compassion fatigue", that it seems contradictory to have stress and compassion go together. He believes that we would be relaxed if we simply surrounded ourselves with caring friends and a higher presence.  Although, ideally, I would agree that this could be the case if we had those support systems, I also would suggest that it can also be stressful to be around people who need our attention equally. Our compassion and empathy for others can also weigh us down as we listen to and try to support their hurt, challenges and problems.  


Compassion fatigue shows up when we find ourselves over-giving and caring more about others' well-being than our own, feeling tired out or depressed, and getting caught up in the pain of the world.  We can become moody, angry, isolating and down-right overwhelmed by it all.


This is why I offer various services and retreats so you can re-group, re-centre and come back to a place of deeper love within.  Here are the benefits of each, depending on your needs:
  • Energy Healing is really good for clearing out negativity and to restore your energy levels. It can help you relax, go deeper into yourself and feel more connected again;
  • Soul Readings can help you see yourself, your relationships and personal challenges from a divine perspective giving you new understandings so you can have greater clarity and peace to make life decisions;
  • Open Your Heart Retreat Weekend for Women is a chance to get away from the modern life and immerse in a luxurious yet natural setting. Reconnect with your heart and release some emotional baggage while having time to relax and be pampered.


If you feel you need to re-store yourself and return to your soul's natural state, please consider booking a FREE 'Get to Know Each Other' Session to talk about your needs.

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