So how can you live closer to your soul? Here are some ideas on where to start:
1) Surround yourself with people who "get you", where you don't have to explain yourself in order to be understood
2) Examine your food choices and eating habits. Are you eating with consciousness and considering all the people who are connected to growing and making your food? I just found this awesome website for cruelty-free eating: www.onegreenplanet.org They have awesome and easy recipes and alternatives to meat and dairy.
3) Find a spiritual practice that you love and enjoy. Lately mine is dancing and I'm moving towards mindfulness meditation
4) Release your emotional baggage. Find a therapist who gets it and you, someone who you trust and can open up some of your deepest fears and concerns so you can become more in tune with your feelings and truth. I offer Find Your Authentic Truth Sessions which are great for making heart-centred choices in the face of difficult decisions
5) Examine how you spend your time. Are you expanding your heart or shrinking it? Are you watching t.v. and staying on FB or actually going out there to make your life happen?
6) Find a Creative or Good-hearted Outlet-- crafting, volunteering, journalling, making music are some ideas to start with -- starting and completing something is so nourishing in many ways.
7) Spend time in Nature -- Mother Earth really wants us to connect with Her and she is such a beautiful sounding board for everything we're going through.
8) Send out Kindness and Appreciation to at least one person each day. What goes around comes around and the amount of love and kindness you put out there definitely returns...try it! It will only bless you!
If you feel you need more support in aligning with your soul, consider booking a Soul Reading with Heather Embree. She can provide deep insights into the nature of your relationship dynamics, your lessons, your life direction, physical health and what spiritual support is available to you. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
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