Thursday, August 4, 2016

Learning to Trust

Trust is one of those really interesting words. It’s something that many of us have lost sight of because we live in times where people are using each other, there seems to be a high level of conflict and betrayal, and undercurrents of various agendas in the world. I am not sure if it’s possible to get through life without feeling some level of betrayal or deceit from another or in the world. 

When this happens, trust in oneself and others can be severely broken. It can create confusion and make the heart and spirit shut right down, turning oneself into an isolated, cynical and angry or depressed person.  

When there has been a long-term break in trust, then it becomes easy to try and control relationships in the future in order to avoid pain. But this just doesn’t and won’t work. 

I’ve been there and I grapple with it regularly as I still have past hurts stemming back to childhood, so I have no judgments when someone is going through this type of experience.  Trust has been one of my lifetime challenges, and even trusting others with my vulnerable truth and self is something I’m still learning how to do.  

I grew up in a home where my parents divorced and for very good reasons.  For a long time, I walked in confusion as to whether I could trust my mother or my father, not knowing who was telling me the truth of what happened, as both parents had caused damage in their own ways. It took me years to unknot this confusing dilemma of who to love or even just trust.  In my moment of suffering and internal turmoil, wondering why my parents couldn’t see or acknowledge me, and why I felt used by them when I knew that I was more worthwhile and meaningful to deserve that treatment,  I heard a loud voice that said “they didn’t create you.”  I was stunned and then dried my eyes and realized that there really must be a greater Creator and that I was not alone. What I did with my life mattered and how much love, kindness, care and respect I put into the world made a difference, even if my parents didn’t value this.  

Once I surrendered and trusted in this guidance, doors opened and I went in directions of spiritual healing, mediumship, healing of my deeper wounds and moving towards more loving and caring relationships.  I could not have done it without surrendering and learning about spiritual and divine guidance, while growing in greater trust and faith.

I’ve seen miracles happen in my life and in others’ lives by trusting and opening up to a greater Power. Of course, it’s more challenging during times of change, or deep betrayal or loss. But it’s in those times that the divine are closest to us. This is why when I work with clients, I always see the reasons and meaning behind their issues and suffering from a higher perspective. What soul lessons are they moving through? What life changes are required so they can become more aware, loving and balanced people? What isn’t being loved and honoured or respected? What emotions are unresolved that are blocking them from trusting in life and love again? 

So, if you feel guided and this message resonates with you and you need some spiritual and energetic clarity and support, please consider booking a Soul Reading or Divine Energy Healing Session so you can re-connect to trusting yourself and a higher benevolent force.  Because you deserve it and it is part of your path towards greater faith and trust in love, care and support….

with honour for who you are,
Heather Embree
Soul Coach, Intuitive Guide and Energy Healing Practitioner

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