Thursday, September 1, 2016

Taking a Soul Time-Out

It seems like it is never-ending. We all have to do the dishes, pay bills, take care of our responsibilities and make a living.  More and more it seems like there is never enough time, much less time to connect to our soul and really listen to what it has to say.  

Often we create our plans based on to-do lists, putting structure to our days hoping it will all work out, then we discover we are feeling dissatisfied and disheartened when things don’t go as planned or it somehow seems empty.

To create our lives coming from our soul requires a whole lot of courage and inner strength. It sometimes means going against the grain and not listening to others’ fears or approaches to their lives.  It means we need the time and space to tune out so we can really tune into that inner voice that is trying to get our attention.

This happened recently with me where I thought that one of my goals was inspirational speaking, but when I did a vision board for my coach’s Manifesting Abundance Retreat, I realized that my soul was yearning to have time to go within through yoga, writing and meditation.  I’ve been doing so much outward service that I was not recharging and getting my much needed introvert time.  

And I know I’m not alone with this! It seems to be a social epidemic and it’s creating a whole lot of suffering.

This is why I have created retreats and Blossom Your Soul coaching, because I know that the inner life is getting neglected in a highly demanding world. Through my work, I strive to help each client come to more self-awareness about the challenges they face and the root causes, so they can have the strength and clarity to keep going. 

Without stillness and inner balance, it is much easier to see the world through a stressful experience, rather than a place of paying attention to the signs and ways the world is trying to love and speak to us. It is a more receptive and open state, bringing us information and guidance for making our lives happen in a heart-centred way. It is also where the veil between this world and the other opens and magic happens!

If we can understand that the Spirit World is trying to support us with our soul’s dreams and goals, then we may be more likely to take at least 15 minutes a day to journal, meditate, create or tune into our feelings and our truth.  Every soul path requires this so we can bring more love and wisdom and wellness into the world. 

What is one thing you can do today to tune into your soul?

For more info about my retreats and coaching, please visit:


  1. Love the work you do Heather and how well you understand yourself. I'm happy that the Vision Board helped you realize you need introverted time.
