Monday, October 31, 2016

Connecting with Those on the Other Side

This is that time of year when many cultures are celebrating the realm of the dead – the ancestors. In our Western world, it pops up as ghoulish alter-egos in Hallowe’en costumes. But in most places it is a day of reverence for those who came before us.   Some think this is simply an exercise that soothes the human psyche’s relationship with its mortality.  The spiritualists among us see it as a direct relationship with the people and animals who touched our hearts, and a chance to balance out old karma, past hurts and suffering, and to find a sense of joy.  

I have been doing mediumship professionally for 4 years and working as a Family Constellations Facilitator for 6 years now. Mediumship is being the in-between person between those who have passed on and those who are living.  Family Constellations is a shamanic ceremony that honours the ancestors and invites us to look at intergenerational challenges.  I am constantly amazed through both types of work at the amount of wisdom, insight and support the ones who have passed on to the Other Side have for us.  When they show up in our lives and our doors, they come with a message or a way to be able to set the scales right for us – they do not intend to haunt or harm us.  

In First Nations Ceremonies, from my experience, there is an understanding that the ancestors walk among us – they are simply in another dimension living out another reality and they are there to help us guide our lives so we are in right livelihood and walking an honourable path.  They can see things more clearly than we can, and when we connect and relate with them, our lives become much easier. 
As a medium, I sense what is truly within the heart of those who have crossed over, even if they couldn’t express it themselves when they were walking on the earth. The amount of insight and truth that is shared when they communicate with those of us who are living is invaluable. It can elevate our perspective and allow us to release them to continue on their soul journey. 

This happened to me with a medium I went to.  She kept saying that my father was in Spirit and he admitted to being one of the biggest liars.  She explained that he had OCD issues, as well.  The way she explained it, it sounded like my biological father but he was still living. Then I realized she was speaking about my step-father – it threw me off because I always saw him as my mother’s husband, not a father figure even though I grew up with him.  Then the pieces were put together. The deception and abuse I saw growing up were validated. And I also got to see him through a compassionate lens – that he was someone who was struggling with OCD and severe anxiety. All the ways he impacted my life, sense of self and heart were now becoming trivial because truth was spoken and my confusion and feeling of victimhood had lifted. I could move forward and so could he.

This is one example of many that helped me come to greater peace and clarity through relating with those on the Other Side.   

If we can understand that love is the glue between this world and the next, then we may not be so fearful about relating with those who have passed into Spirit. It becomes a source of support and wisdom for us in this complicated journey of life.

If you would like to connect with your ancestors or those who have passed on, consider booking a Soul Session with me at Blossoming Heart Divine Arts at:

May this Samhain, Hallow’s Eve, Day of the Dead, Diwali, etc, bring you many blessings….

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