Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Dreaming Our Reality

As a spiritualist and soul coach, I believe that dreams are from another world or they are reflections of our subconscious. They can also offer us healing from traumatic experiences, that traditional therapy can’t offer.

I also believe that at night time, we leave our bodies energetically and we have the capacity to go to other dimensions of reality in order to obtain healing, knowledge, creativity, deep insight and understanding, or to even send healing and help to others. 

As a child, I would have very vivid dreams and I learned to lucid dream on my own.  I still have vivid recollections of recurring nightmares, knowing that they had enough significance in my life to capture my attention and to linger with me throughout this lifetime.  I knew I was accessing levels of past lives and they showed me why there were unknown issues of broken relationships with my family dynamics.   I have healed layers of trauma within myself simply through dreaming and then analyzing them. 

One of the things I found so captivating about Mexico, is that the culture is conducive to dreaming.  Sleep time is considered to be very important in the development of the soul.  The siesta is a socially accepted norm, knowing that the body and mind needs regular rejuvenation, not just because of the hot climate. 

Indigenous Mexicans also invented one of the most profound items – the hammock.  Yes…it looks simple, but think about it.  The hammock is made of strings, yet it still holds the human body without breaking. It is shaped as a womb and rocks the body in a way that brings us back to the universal rhythm.  It also represents the web of creation, through the way it is designed, which is the belief that we are all interconnected. And it supports us in dreamtime, a time that most Indigenous Traditions believe is the true reality and our waking life is the illusion. 

It is believed that in dreamtime, anything is possible. Shamans teach us that the limits we believe about ourselves and our lives on the earth plane is not how it is on the soul and spirit plane. If we can tap into and disintegrate the illusions we tell ourselves, then we can live with more soul and its possibilities. 

Dreaming awake takes us to a whole new level of understanding about ourselves and our view of reality. It’s the view that dreams can actually wake us up to ourselves, if we are able to truly listen.

Now when I say this, it doesn’t mean it’s all an issue of the mind.  It’s actually very linked to the soul. In the dream world, the soul knows itself intimately. It is our ego-personality that we operate in that is masking our heart.  With this knowledge, we are able to recognize that our dreams are really showing us where we are split with this – that is, where we are not being heart-centred or genuine within ourselves.

Lately, I’ve been having dreams about the inner child. They say, this is the true place of the soul and reveals to us who we really are.

I had one disturbing yet revealing dream last night that showed to me that I’ve been wearing a mask of the professional. It’s been causing me a lot of suffering.  And that my truth is that I am a warm-hearted, loving person.  Now it’s not to say that professionals can’t be this way, but my culture has conditioned us to believe that success has to “look” a certain way.  It gave me incidences in my past with jobs I’ve taken, where I’ve had to wear the suit and skirt, etc., which wasn’t who I really was. It’s why I would end up in a depression when I would go into an office setting.  It just didn’t work for me.  This dream speaks to me that I have to be sure that I’m approaching my business with a full heart, not one that is trying to be more professional than it needs to be. Because that’s not who I am. 

I will give you a bit of background to help you understand this dream better and how relevant it is.

In my family, my mother was an artist and entrepreneur.  She had to struggle to define herself this way because she had the pressure to follow the path of a teacher or office worker because her brothers and father were reputable and successful professionals.  She had the disadvantage of that time of being a woman where there were limited options for her to work.  But there wasn’t much compassion in her family for this and she was seen as the wayward outcast.  My mom boldly sought out work that was inspiring, creative and matched her spirit. But it came at a cost of feeling misunderstood and rejected.

I followed suit, of course, and have moved on the “road less travelled” as a seer/medium, soul coach and author.

But it still there are still twinges, as seen in my dream, that makes me doubt myself and question if I am worthy enough because I don’t have the Master’s degree or the permanent job or the title that shows respectability.  Of course, I know that this credibility is very ridiculous in the roles that define us in our society and they create a lot of ego-division and I don’t believe in them when I interact with people. Heck, most of us aren’t professionals. And consciously, I am glad I’m not a professional because it “keeps me real” and more connected to people. But this dream has shown to me that one part of my ego that believes I have to be “more than”.

Since I adjusted my life to be something that is more me, away from offices and bureaucratic structures, I am also having dreams that are relevant to my clients. There is a synchronicity that happens between my dream world and waking world that can be healing and very relevant for my clients. Sometimes I even receive a dream from a client’s loved one who has passed on. 

They say that death is a transition into the dream world, so dreaming well and learning how to release our issues and wounded memories is so important before we actually do pass from our bodies, because our consciousness takes it with us to where we go next. And from my experience with my near death experiences, I do see this to be true.

There are many dream workshops out there, and dream pillows and dream journals that can support you with healthy dreaming.  For example, my colleague, Roxana Roshon, offers a Mexica Healing Dream Workshop that I highly recommend. It’s a great introduction into the way to work with this sacred time. 

I have also become astute at dream interpretation given my own journey, and would be happy to do a soul reading with you in order to help you get deeper understanding into challenging, questionable or insightful dreams you are having.  Just go to my web site at: www.blossomingheart.ca to book an appointment.

I am an ongoing student of all things dreams, so if you have any resources, stories and personal experiences, I’d love to hear about them.

Here’s to all good day and night dreams,

Heather Embree

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