In school, kids are told to take a time out when they get
overwhelmed, irritable, or destructive. Though it has been used as punishment in the past,
it’s essence is actually a chance to breathe, get away from the crowd and get some
How come we don’t do this when we are adults? Because we are
taught to keep going and going, as if we are proving that we are worthy and
making a contribution. When the truth is, we can just wear ourselves into the
ground and end up drained and dissatisfied. We make decisions from a place of
what we think we should do or who we think we should be.
I know because I have done this numerous times in my life. I would get over-committed, feeling like I’m succeeding, and then I’d crash or go into a depression because I’m not in a balanced place of self-care. Then either I’d catch a cold – the body’s way of saying “stop” – or I’d have interpersonal conflicts that send me into a spin. It’s just one stress after the next.
This is why I strongly believe that we all need a Time Out
sometimes. We need to take a retreat from our regular activities and
relationships and go within. We may need to ask ourselves some of the hard
questions about life choices and relationships or we may need some time to
question “what’s really going on here? Is this what I really want?”
This is where I come in. I’m here to offer you the sanctuary you need to step away and realign with your heart’s truths. I offer this through Tune Into Your Heart Sessions(available online or in-person), Energy Balancing Sessions or a Tune IntoYour Heart Personal Retreat Day.
For all of my offerings, I strive to make a relaxed
environment where you can be your natural self, without any expectations or
pressures to be perfect. I want to help
you get out of your head and into your heart, where you can breathe more into
your true heart’s desires. When you can find that still place within, I believe
your inner voice will show up to guide you.
I want to help facilitate you to that place.
If you are unsure of which offering to book, then book a FREE“Tune Into Your Heart” Initial Session so we can explore what your needs are.
Take some time for yourself. Your heart and happiness needs
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