Wednesday, May 9, 2018

You Deserve Support

I read somewhere a person’s description of stress and equating it with the feeling of hell. It’s like that hamster wheel we can’t get off and yet feeling like it is a constant uphill battle. Feeling scattered, small accidents, dropping things, forgetting things, getting emotionally upset, making bad choices, and going into self-destructive behaviour are all signs of being stressed out.

I believe that the remedy for getting off the stress train is support – support in all sorts of ways.  Supportive friends and family, a great pair of comfy and supportive shoes, supportive feng shui elements in the home, healthy food, people who want to see you succeed, a place in nature where you feel calm and loved, etc., a therapist who is on your side.

Because usually when we are in a rut of one thing after the next, it’s because we feel it is all up to us and we have to take it on. We have a hard time reaching out for help and sometimes feel it would take way too long to explain what it is we need exactly.  We sometimes believe the solution is something like – “I just wish someone would give me a whole bunch of cash,” or “I just want to move to a deserted island away from all the yahoos in the world and live more life in peace”.

It is especially hard if you had a childhood where there was little support or people who actively worked against you. Where you had to chart your own path and find whatever support was offered.  For people like this, including myself, asking for help and trusting it will be delivered can feel like the most gargantuan task in the world. It just seems easier to be self-sufficient. 

For clients who are taking on too much with little support in their lives, I see them come into my healing room with tense shoulders, upset by all the injustices in the world, and feeling overly responsible for the people and circumstances in their life.  Often within a few sessions, where we can release the core beliefs and the tensions, these clients come to a place of a more balanced perspective of things, and less burdened by having to take care of everything. I always encourage them to find support systems in their life, no matter how small. 

Often, though, we may not even know or trust the support when it is offered to us, because we’ve been conditioned to relate to support that eventually hurts us.  Support is meant to feel warm and fuzzy where our beings and feel relaxed and open and there are no strings attached.

This seems easier said than done.  This is why I have drafted a set of questions for you to consider when you are feeling uber-stressed and undersupported:
1)      What is stressing me out right now?
2)      What is actually stressing me out?
3)      What is really truly stressing me out?
4)      After getting the heart of the issue in question 3, what would my ideal outcome be?
5)      What do I need to feel more supported with this issue?
6)      What can I do to get this support?
7)      How does my body feel if I get this support?
8)      What 3 action steps can I take to feel more relaxed about this issue?

I would love to be someone who is on your support team to help you release the energies and relax into who you are meant to be. You deserve to have more love, balance and care in your life on all levels. 

If we haven’t done a session together for over a year, then please book a FREE “Tune Into Your Heart” Initial Session or a Life BalancePlan Session. If we have worked together recently, then you may want to check out the “Take a Time Out” Packages here. 

Here’s to your life of balance, ease and calm.

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