Wednesday, June 27, 2018

You are Loveable

What many don’t know about me is I have had a life-long journey with having to overcome feelings of self-hate and self-destruction.  It has come from various childhood experiences of being abandoned, carrying shame as a child of divorce so not having the grounding of family, and put in unsafe and life-threatening situations which made me feel disposable.  What kept me going were various role models in life, spiritual teachings and believing in my heart that I do matter. My own personal healing journey within has made me feel compassion for myself and so compassion for others in a way that not many are able to. 

I get suicidal depression, I get heartache, I get feeling lost and full of self-doubt, I get feeling alone and isolated. I get feeling guilty and ashamed of myself. I’ve been there. And I know every other person has, too, in one way or another.

One of the beautiful gifts of opening up to a spiritual path and healing, is the way of seeing and the mystical experiences that happen.

I have had various divine messages and interventions that have come to me in times of need.  One came loud and clear while I was on the plane to Regina, Saskatchewan.  In meditation, I was asking Spirit what it is that I need to know.  The message came back: “You are Loveable.”  I nearly burst into tears. It healed my heart from the anxieties that I have been feeling from the world, and relationship conflicts within my family of origin.  Remembering that I am loveable aligned my heart yet again. I deserve to receive that truth and so do you.  Wherever you are, whatever has happened to you, however low you are feeling, please tune into the truth that you are loveable.

If you feel you need to heal your heart from hurt, loss or difficult relationships, please book a FREE Initial Heart-to-Heart Session. I would love to see you be released of the pain so you don’t carry the emotional weights of anger and resentment into your life. You deserve to fall in love with life again.

With hugs and healing,


P.S.  This message has also inspired me to write a book of the same title, to help those who have been through hell but still believe in love, to receive the blessings of divine messages and presence.  The words are flowing and I can’t wait to get it written and published in e-book format. I’ll keep you posted!

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