Friday, January 25, 2019

Embrace Your Wild Self

In the last 2 weeks, I’ve been feeling the call of the Wild. As if my heart cannot deny it anymore. I’ve been reading news stories about endangered species and the decline of protection of our Conservation Areas with recent policies in the States and Ontario.  I’m aware of how my own hometown is becoming more urbanized by the influence of Toronto and Mississauga, taking away the charm that has made Guelph feel so healthy and hopeful and different than other communities in the province.  

I’m not exactly sure why it’s becoming so prevalent to me, other than Spirit’s mysterious workings in my mind and spirit, giving me an urgency to have to do something, anything, to help the voiceless creatures. So I'm open and waiting to see where my time and energy will be most productive and effective while enjoying nature's beautiful gifts.

Whenever these movements show up for me and rattle my cage, I also go deep within and wonder what message it has for my own soul or psyche.  What are these animals and the endangered crisis trying to tell us.

I’m reminded of the teachings of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes in her book Women Who Run with the Wolves. Essentially she explains how we need to embrace our Inner Wild Woman (or Man) in the truest of senses, otherwise we go into self-destructive habits or fall into depression and a sense of death.   We as a people have become “over-civilized” and have lost our instincts and intuition.
I couldn’t agree more.

I am reminded by an expressive art exercise I did a couple of years ago when I was in a lot of heartache. It was all about capturing our Wild Self.  What revealed to me was so obviously simple. My inner wild self just wants to eat healthy food, go on nature walks and live simply, without the pressures of the modern world. It wasn’t what others would imagine of partying hard, jumping out of airplanes or travelling around the world.  It was more about going against the grain of the modern world and just experiencing the simplicity of the natural life. 

As nature is so wise and wonderful, it happens to be that I got the flu and bronchitis right at the time of this realization. Which meant I was forced to rest and not think about much. I’ve had to feel into my energetic limits, relax and just be or meditate. It was exactly what I needed in order to really align with who I am now and release some past emotional and spiritual baggage.  Sleeping in and resting is my wild self now – allowing me to be more present.

Wouldn’t you know, as I’m coming out of the cave of illness, that I’ve had a number of strangers say to me “wow, you look great” and “I feel so calm around you”, followed by a hug.

By restoring my spirit and letting go of thinking and doing so much, I’ve actually been able to make a difference for my inner peace and peace with others. So wild, eh?

So what part of you needs to detach from the modern world of doing and proving? What is your wild, natural self trying to tell you? How can you move more towards that in your life?

If you are ready to do some deep personal transformation work, book one of my “Feel Good Again” Packages.  You are meant to be centred, healthy and aligned with who you are, not what others want you to be.

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