Monday, February 11, 2019

What is Love?

As someone who is technically in the “business of love” where I’ve helped over 1,500 people with their personal lives and emotional recovery, I’m honestly still figuring it out.

Here is what I have learned about love from relating with clients, tuning into Higher Love, and going through my own personal journey:

1)      It makes you feel good and puts a smile on your face
2)      It risks being honest in a genuinely concerned way for everyone involved
3)      It is full of respect and dignity for self and others
4)      It considers the needs of others
5)      It detaches when there is abuse or mistreatment
6)      It can be quiet or loud, depending on what is required
7)      It brings out the noblest traits in a person
8)      It offers emotional support, encouragement or validation
9)      It watches out for the vulnerable beings
10)   It cares about fairness, connection and good vibes

I will always say that loving, respecting, knowing and honouring oneself is where the work first begins. When we truly can stand in our truth and stay balanced in who we are, then we can genuinely love others and the community around us. We respond to what is really needed, not necessarily what we think is needed to any relationship or situation.

Love never asks us to put ourselves in harm’s way or to stay in something dangerous, abusive or exploitative.

What does love mean to you?

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