Thursday, July 3, 2014

10 Signs that You are Still Suffering from a Broken-Heart

1. You can’t stop thinking about the person and how you could have changed the relationship or the situation

2. You’re not feeling motivated to do anything else with your time – everything seems pointless or at least secondary 

3.  When you hear a song that you shared together, you feel like that person is right there with you. 

4. You get bouts of anger and may take it out on those around you in small or large ways 

5. You’re continually finding ways to make that person wrong so you can justify why it had to end

6. You’re comparing your current love interests to that person – either in a positive or negative way  

7. You’ve taken an over-interest or under-interest in your appearance 

8. You wonder if your past-times are really something close to your heart or just a way of staying energetically connected to that person 

9. Your friends or family are sick and tired of hearing about this person

10. You embody or despise their gestures, sayings, and outlook in life -- where it borders a bit on an obsession.

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