Monday, September 22, 2014

Rejection to Acceptance

One of our fundamental wounds in life is the feeling of being rejected. Whether that be with our families, our culture, our bodies, monetary status, not going along with the “rules” of a group or whatever else.  We will often do anything to hold onto a relationship in order not to feel rejected.  But it inevitably happens because it is impossible to be accepted by everyone, nor should we be.

In fact, rejection can lead us onto a road where we do belong, if we can come through the hurt and see it that way. It could be the universe telling us that we are barking up the wrong tree and we need to find a different tribe of people.

For example, I used to try and fit in so I could pay the bills by taking office jobs, even though I found them to be boring, petty, toxic and out of line with my spirit.  I was essentially lying to myself for the sake of material comfort. And it was killing my joy, inspiration and sense of dignity.  When I decided to step out of that seemingly easy route, and went to take on other pursuits, I discovered a whole heap of things about myself.  I discovered that I’m a terrible organic farmer, that I don’t like couch surfing, that I need a feeling of personal sovereignty in my life instead of following other people’s agendas and goals, that I’m not good at details and banking and bookkeeping, that I’m sensitive to high drama dynamics and gossip, that I need environments that are peaceful and calm, etc.  So I had to go through many grueling experiences and changes of where I thought my ideals were and where I felt happy and safe.  I’ve had people angry with me, disappointed, controlling and forcing me to be something I wasn’t. Often I walked away either feeling rejected or doing the rejecting.  And there was a lot of pain. But at the end of the day, I had to live with myself and look at myself in the mirror.  Living from your soul has never promised to be a comfortable path.

But it was worth the exploration, because the sense of knowing who I am  and who I’m not without needing other people’s approval, as well as feeling more connected spiritually, has given me a sense of greater personal power.  I came to know that I’m interested in spirituality, healing, communication, art, writing, personal freedom, other cultures, being of service, tourism, earth-friendly practices, self-understanding and prayer/meditation.  I also discovered my gifts as an intuitive healer, medium and psychic, rather than diminishing them or holding myself back.

But all of this required experiences of me being rejected, overtly or subtly, which moved me towards areas in life where I’m seen, embraced, accepted and understood.  As much as there are people who “get” the psychic/intuitive world, there are also a whole lot of people who think it’s crazy, wacky, weird and even evil.  My greatest armour for these doubters and criticizers is having my group of people where I am understood and encouraged.  Knowing that if I don’t go in the directions that are in alignment with my truth, I’m going to suffer because I’m living someone else’s life and betraying my own knowing.

Rejection is the main source of pain in a breakup, especially for the person who is being left.  It makes one feel unlovable, unworthy, unwanted, inadequate…and the list goes on.  It can be so shattering, confusing, depressing and isolating, making a person feel powerless. It hits the core wound in every human being where we feel completely broken or incapable in the eyes of the divine.  Someone who we’ve shared our bodies, minds and hearts with is now saying there’s something wrong with us. And it hurts. We can go into self-punishment or acting out in ways where we pretend we don’t care. We can become defiant or disheartened, unsure of who we are or what to do next. 

This is why I’ve created the Life After Heartbreak: A Woman's Journey to Self-Love, 8-week Group Workshop Series.  It is for people who are going through a relationship breakdown and are struggling to regain balance, a sense of themselves and forgiveness within their hearts.  It can be with any kind of relationship – friend, spouse/love partner, boss, family member…  anyone who we feel has created a distortion in our self-esteem and we want to get back on our feet with greater inner strength and confidence.  I believe that there’s no need to wallow for months, or even years, or go into self-destructive patterns when we can surround ourselves with others who get it and are recovering in the same way.  Life and time is too precious to waste it on someone who has decided that they want or need something (or someone) different.  You, quite frankly, have bigger fish to fry and new directions to go in.  

The Workshop Series works through all of the dynamics of a relationship breakdown, using meditations, activities and sharing with other women in order to understand yourself, the experience and the next steps towards moving forward. 

It’s on Wednesday evenings starting October 1st at Natural Choice Well-being Centre in Fergus.  For more info, you can visit:

If you’re not able to join us then, I will be starting one on Thursday evenings in Guelph on October 16th.  So by the time the holidays roll around, you will be in a space of greater peace and happiness.

If you’re not much of a groupie type, I also offer individual programs where we can go deeper together using intuitive and alternative approaches.  Because I believe no one has to suffer alone and someone needs to be there through your tears and victories.  Learning to love yourself in these difficult times is the key to getting through this on the other side. You can book a free initial session so we chat about where you are and what you need by clicking here.

If you’re not wanting to commit to anything, but need the initial support of a workbook, you can download my free Open Your Heart Again e-workbook.

I hope you can accept my invitation to join me during this difficult time on your path, because I know that on the other side of it is great opportunities for self-love and self-care for you. Because no matter what anyone has been said or done, you are loveable.

Heather Embree is a soul intuitive mentor, reader and healing practitioner who lives in Guelph, ON.  She has experienced many relationship breakdowns in her life and has discovered the importance of getting the clarity and wisdom with each separation so one can walk forward with greater wholeness and peace within.  She’s come to know that ultimately we are each (and dogs, of course) our greatest healers, and Heather is simply a guide encouraging you towards your recovery, truth and happiness.

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