Sunday, August 9, 2015

Media Article: The Stellar Queen of Oaxaca

Local Author, Heather Embree, is hosting a fundraiser called “The Heart of Mexico” on Sunday August 16th from 7-9:30 p.m. at the Black Heritage Society at 83 Essex Street.  It is to help her raise money to publish her book “The Stellar Queen of Oaxaca” (illustrated by Mayra Baquedano Zenteno). It is a children’s story based on a woman she met, named Reyna, while she was living in Oaxaca City, Mexico for half a year in 2006. 

Reyna is a single mother, who was born visually impaired, and is economically impoverished. She was determined to not follow in the tradition of her family to beg on the streets for money, and instead wanted to improve her life through learning English as a Second Language and be a role model to her daughter of a woman educating herself. Even though her family didn’t support her, Reyna believed in her dream and received the support of a local organization, called Esperanza Infantil, that helps children living on or close to the streets with getting an education and learning how to improve their lives.  They provided Reyna with the funding to translate textbooks into braille and to take courses to learn English.  Reyna was committed to meeting foreigners and to learn more about life beyond the confines of her culture.

As much as Heather helped Reyna with her English, Reyna helped Heather keep her heart open while Oaxaca City was going through one of the biggest protests and revolutions in their history (which is saying a lot, given that Mexico is known for having uprisings regularly).  Reyna gave Heather meaning, focus and faith in the power of giving, providing Heather with an appreciation for the subtleties of the culture and the ability to see beyond the illusion of violence, because Reyna could not see with her eyes all of the chaos that was happening around her, including the potholes, dangling electrical wires and the regular dangers of a developing country, much less the actual events of people marching and taking over the city. Instead, Reyna would “see” with her heart and intuition, guiding Heather with their regular meetings to enjoy the taste of food, feel the flower petals on her face, listen more deeply to the music playing and love the touch of the fabrics of Mexico.  

Returning safely to Canada, Heather immediately was inspired to write down a children’s story, making Reyna (which means Queen in Spanish), the main character, as the Queen of the city.  Hence the title, “The Stellar Queen of Oaxaca”. In the story, Reyna declares the day “Close Your Eyes and Open Your Heart”, handing out free blindfolds for the citizens to learn how to “see” differently and appreciate life in a whole new way – something all of us could benefit from.  She sent the story to Reyna, hoping that one day, if it got published, that Reyna could receive some money to help her and her daughter.  Reyna loved and approved of the story, giving her the go-ahead with this project. Heather tucked the story away, not knowing where to take it next.  Nine years later, Heather heard a little inner voice that told her to take it out of the door and find a way to get it published.  She trusted that this was indeed the time. 

One thing led to the next – Lisa Browning, an editor for Saplings – a children’s self-publishing company – loved the story and wanted to help Heather get it out there. Also, Heather met one of the former owners of Senor Chipotle Mexican Restaurant and they agreed to cater the fundraising event with authentic Mexican food.  

Then Heather asked around for an illustrator and ended up meeting Mayra Baquedano Zenteno – a woman who grew up in Mexico and worked as a schoolteacher before coming to Guelph. She is now working in housekeeping at the Riverside Glen nursing home.  This project is reminding her of her love of home, her care of children and helps her to expand her artistic talents, as this is her first time illustrating a book. Her drawings show an intimate love and understanding for Mexico and the mind of children, reminding Mayra of her home. 

Heather re-connected with Reyna by email who is thrilled about this possibility – it’s perfect timing as her daughter is at the point when she needs money for College. 

To make the project successful through publishing and promoting the book, Heather needs to raise $2,000.  If you know of anyone who wants to make a donation or to sponsor the book, please contact her directly at:  You can pre-order the book, along with prints of the artwork and find out about upcoming events at:

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