Sunday, March 20, 2016

Why I Love Soul Constellations

Every time I facilitate Soul Constellations (commonly known as Family Constellations), I walk away with a deep feeling of connection, peace, clarity and a strengthening of self.  I form an intimate understanding with the participants – people who may have been complete strangers a mere few hours before – and see many of my own challenges in what they bring to the circle. I quickly become humbled at the level of healing that happens in this work, simply by acknowledging and seeing the personalities at work in our family of origin and ancestors. 

It becomes apparent in Constellations that when we’re caught up in trying to run away from, or blame, or re-enact the ancestral or national suffering, we block our growth in love, wisdom, compassion and inner peace, and with that – abundance of life. By facing “what is”, a person can finally see, accept, feel and move forward with love not loneliness or suffering in our hearts. 

Constellations has a way of helping us move through these issues that seem long-standing, impossible to move and sort out, or are plain old dark and nasty.  It brings to light all the areas of pain in our dynamics and allows for greater connection to trickle in, without it being fake or play-acting.  In essence, it drops us into our hearts rather than staying in the ego. Where there is judgment and shame personally and collectively, Constellations has a way of processing it and moving one into greater understanding. And understanding is the basis of true love.  

What I find most profound about it is in what happens afterwards when a shift in attitude or way of seeing our circumstances happens – our lives begin to feel lighter or more meaningful, we can manage the dynamics with our family better, and sometimes there are long-standing resolutions of old conflicts.  As well, there are no limits to what can be addressed with Constellations – health issues, career direction, an affair in a marriage, death of a friend or loved one, or barriers to success – where these issues are all held with deep care. And throughout it all, I feel the greater love of the universe and all the beings that support us, which is what the truly spiritual life is meant to lead us to.

I would love to get know you and your family system better, if you are open and willing.  I hold these gatherings at my Open Your Heart retreats which have been known to offer profound life transformations.  For more info about the retreats, please visit:

I also offer personal soul constellations sessions at my office in Guelph.  To book a FREE Sharing Our Hearts session, please feel free to book it at:

To greater love, connection and harmony,

Heather Embree

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