Saturday, June 4, 2016

Ways Past Lives Can Help You Now

I often will access and look at past lives in my soul readings and divine energy healing sessions to help my clients understand the karmic lessons in their lives so they can move forward.  Also, by acknowledging the challenges and issues, the energy of the client can shift into something more honest, grounded, positive and flowing.  It can release guilt, shame, regret, confusion and replace it with understanding, compassion, integrity and inner commitments.

Now, there are some fundamental premises to past lives:  
1)      The Universe works under the premise of balance – it’s not here to punish us but to have us grow in greater love, compassion, peace and happiness.  So whenever we have a karmic debt owed to someone, or they owe to us, it’s a way of setting the scales straight and making things right for everyone.  

2)      We can increase our positive karma by adding more compassion, peace and joy to ourselves and in the world through our actions and behaviours.   But it needs to come from a genuine heart, not to “earn brownie points” so to speak.

3)      Some of the suffering we are experiencing now may be connected to a previous lifetime. When we can know and understand that connection, we can make better choices and allow for new ways of living so we don’t continue the cycle of hurt and pain in ourselves and the world.

More and more people are realizing the reality of past lives and how they shape and shift our life, while there are still others who scratch their heads and don’t understand the necessity to look at the past, thinking we are just to live in the now, while others, of course, don’t believe in past lives at all. Though I understand the logic and the spirit of it, from my experience, there are many benefits and blessings that come when we understand where we’ve been and what to do or not to do in this lifetime.  We can also make new commitments, knowing the dire and great significance of our daily acts.  We can also balance out our karma with others and the earth so we can enjoy feeling more at ease and at peace with ourselves and live in greater soul integrity. 

If you believe that you carry all the wisdom, knowledge and experiences from this and previous lives in your soul, then why couldn’t you access that for deeper understanding of your own suffering and truth so you can transform your life and take new roads to greater peace, creativity and happiness? Even just gaining insight into all dynamics from your past will help you understand why you went through all that you did, alleviating yourself from confusion, frustration and personal struggle.

I just did a past life meditation today, which is something I haven’t done for a while.  I was moved to do this because my spirit is telling me I need to be in my own energy because I’ve been depleting my resources due to some life and relationship transformations.  

Unsure of what would come up for me, and why I was being guided to even go down this road, I willing submitted to this guidance and put on the “Journeys into Past Lives” CD by Soul Coach Denise Linn.  My intention was to release this feeling of being frustrated and silenced.  As I deepened into the breathing practice to get me there, I let my mind not attach to any ideas of how I believed this lifetime would look or be.  

What I learned was that I was a young boy in China, and my family owned a butcher shop in 1832. I was also seen as insignificant, small and I didn’t matter. I worked hard for my family and got worn out.  I picked up on the violent energies of the butcher of pigs and felt an empathetic connection to them.  I had a bone condition and died young, feeling my lungs shut down. I was in a very simple room and no one was around.  I was forgotten and disposable just like the animals. My life seemed to mean nothing.

Now one can be skeptical about all of this, asking what does this have to do with anything.  But when I saw the parallels in my life, this couldn’t be denied.

I have always struggled with self-confidence, feeling like I didn’t matter. I have worked many jobs in this lifetime and have become burnt out and exhausted. I also have a pre-osteoporosis condition, and I was a child who was in and out of the hospital when I was growing up.  I became a vegetarian 2 years ago, even though all my life I had a deep compassion for animals throughout my life and wanted to stop their cruelty in how people treated them.

I also knew people who worked at a local beef plant and I would have a deep sadness and empathy for these people who would have to do this job. I never knew why that affected me so much until today’s past life meditation.

Also, for a summer, I lived above a Butcher’s Shop in Kensington Market in Toronto which is very close to Chinatown.  During my time there, a flood took over the butcher’s shop and all the mice scurried up to the apartment where I was staying. This created a whole host of problems, obviously.  The subletter I was renting from somehow thought I had created this mouse problem and our relationship turned sour.  She was a vegan, poet and person with OCD and mental health issues and so I couldn’t reason with her, and I also took the blame because I admired who she was in the community. I believed that somewhere it must have been my fault, which is usually the perspective of an abused child. It was absurd, really.  That was also the summer when there was the huge blackout in the Eastern Seaboard.  There were too many coincidences of misery, suffering and chaos in this short experience that I had in this area.  I also ended up on Unemployment Insurance during this summer and everything seemed to be going downhill. 

Now, that was a good 10-15 years ago. I had completely forgotten about this summer in my past, but I know it had a deep impact on me, looking back, where I felt like a failure, unworthy of a home, and believing that I hurt this person who was a well-respected poet and social justice advocate.  In my innocence of living above a butcher’s shop, I had felt frustrated, silenced, inadequate, insignificant and tossed aside. Luckily, I didn’t have a near death experience at that time.   

If you believe that we all go through certain experiences to grow and learn in becoming more loving and self-aware people, well, this past life has revealed a great number of things for me, especially:

1)      I’m to continue the path of being a vegetarian and honouring the animals and be willing to advocate on their behalf. Fortunately I committed to being a vegetarian 2 years ago and I feel more in my integrity.

2)      To know that I matter and I am significant, even if I am treated otherwise and am disposable.  You would not believe how often this feeling has crept into my life in various significant relationships, where I would feel tossed aside and insignificant, that I’ve outdone my use to others.  How much of it was me and how much of it was another’s stuff?

3)      I am to take care of my bone health through being a vegetarian and to know that I deserve to have strength. I was diagnosed with pre-osterporosis when I was in my 20s and I’ve somehow denied myself the gift of taking care of my bones. I have a renewed commitment now, understanding what challenges I went through

4)      To continue to have compassion for child workers and sweatshop conditions while also de-programming myself to believe I have to work myself to the ground and not see other choices.

5)      I really can’t live near or work at butcher’s shops. It will just lead to bad luck for me.

Now, there are some people who can run the risk of blaming everything on a past life, and that is indeed tempting, and that’s not what this exercise is for. It’s main purpose is to resolve issues from the past so we can live fully in the present. It’s also about taking full ownership and responsibility for our choices and actions and perspective in life, in this lifetime and previous lifetimes. 

If you feel there are blindspots or unknown reasons for your challenges and suffering, please consider booking a soul reading or divine energy healing session with me. You can click here to book your session.

I believe we can shift a lot with simple self-awareness and would love to walk alongside with you in that process of uncovering…
With love, peace and grace in all that you are and do.

Heather Embree

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