Monday, August 21, 2017

Are Psychic Attacks Real?

I recently had an email inquiry from someone who said she was experiencing psychic attacks and wanted to know how she could relieve herself of this. Many people thought she was crazy, and they wouldn’t even respond to her.  I responded to her validating that psychic attacks can be very real, and it is usually felt by most sensitive and empathetic people. I guided her on some things she could do to release the suffering and she reported back feeling a whole lot better.

What I mean by psychic attacks is that it is usually an experience of psychological pain that is trying to make you believe you are a bad person or deserving of negativity.  It will spiral into a mental/emotional loop. This is different that mental illness, though it can lead a person down a path of depression or extreme anxiety.  The difference is that you are sensing thoughts and feelings that normally you don’t carry. It feels out of character for you. 

It is possible to pick up psychic attacks when you walk into a room where you don’t belong and there is a high level of dislike of you or people “like you”, whatever that may mean.  It can also happen when you have a conflict with a friend or loved one, where it hits at a core part of your heart and sense of self.  It makes you feel hurt, sad, sometimes even suicidal, sometimes.  It can also come just from an innocent mistake and someone carries a lot of angry energy towards you, because it triggers something in them.  This means you get “slimed”, “attacked” or “drained”.  It also can mean you feel a bit “off”. 

Now I don’t want to make it sound that every time you have the feelings of pain or being drained, that you have been psychically or energetically attacked.  Often times it can just be your own lifestyle, stresses and challenges that make you feel this way.  You will just have a sense or knowing that it has come from somewhere else and it has affected you.

So, how does a psychic attack stick? Well, it holds on if you feel extremely guilty. Or if you believe on any level what the other person is implying about you. Or it connects to a childhood wound or trauma.  If this is the case, you might want to do some inner work to release yourself of any false beliefs or emotional pain that makes you internalize the negativity.

Another way psychic attacks stick is by being ungrounded and/or too busy to take care of yourself energetically and physically.  If this is the case, you need meditation time, time in nature, energetic balancing or time off to re-group and get back to your priorities.

What is most important is that you don’t send the negativity back to the person where it came from.  This is not helpful and will only perpetuate the harm.  Try as much to detach from them, and ask for the energy to be transformed. It is quite possible there is wisdom in the negativity and may lead you to service or right action.

For example, with everything that happened in Charlottestown, there was a negative energy that came to me that felt suicidal.  It was intense and so powerful and I had to keep allaying it.  When I got into nature with calm and mature people, I was able to lot let it affect me.  But it troubled me that it came around. I wanted to understand what this energy was trying to tell me.  When I was with it, I was reminded by all the racial violence that has been on the planet and how my white ancestors treated the First Nations peoples and Black People as second- or third-class citizens. There were real injustices that needed to be righted. So I committed to figuring out how to support the victims of the hate crimes that are showing up.  It solidified my commitment to racial harmony and also to releasing and transforming the roots of hate within myself and others (which is usually rooted in fear and shame).  

By not ignoring this negative energy, rather trying to find compassion for it, I’ve been able to tune into a deeper suffering that is within humanity as a whole and to bring in real empathy for the way that Black People and other People of Colour could be feeling in the States and Canada right now with this open expression of White Supremacy. How can I be someone that offers safety, healing, compassion and care in the face of this outward expression?

Dwelling on the pain is not going to help you or anyone else. 

If you feel you are suffering from a psychic attack, reach out for help in some way.  You could:
-take a bath with Epsom salts and a relevant essential oil
-write down the messages you are getting from this attack so as to de-personalize them
-talk to a friend or do some therapy to strengthen yourself
-go to an energy healing practitioner to balance your system
-visualizing cutting the energetic cords between you and the other person
-meditate on what the lesson is you are needing to learn
-Pray with a white candle to ask for negative energies to be purified
-forgive yourself and the other for the ignorance of sending such energies

If you need any support to come back to balance, you are welcome to book an in-person or distance energy healing session at:

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