Monday, August 28, 2017

Rainbow Warriors

"When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come to the Earth from many colours, classes, creeds and who, by their actions, shall make the Earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the rainbow."     -Native American Prophecy

I just came back from a week up near Parry Sound.  It was my vacation, the first I have taken in a long time.  The presence of the rocks on the Canadian Shield and the sturdy trees helped me heal old pain, psychologically and physically.  It reminded me of my place in the world and returned me back to the heart of teachings I learned years ago but almost forgot. 

I was reminded that I, along with many I know, am a Rainbow Warrior.   My path of healing, (ironically with Reiki which is a type of rainbow healing), minimalist living, interacting and learning about First Nations, Caribbean and  Mexican cultures, caring about human rights and nature, all make sense to me as I reflect on my life journey. 

I needed to be reminded of this, because sometimes I get despondent about the world, and doubt why I do what I do. I often wonder if I could just get a regular old job and not care so much. But whenever I’ve tried to give up, I only suffer more. I now understand what motivates me and who I am called to serve – the caring souls of the world that want unity, peace, compassion and freedom for all beings. Essentially, the Rainbow Warriors like you.

Walking as a Rainbow Warrior is not easy, because hatred comes in many guises and wants to create more waves of fear, attacks and warping.  Many of you probably know this, and have had to grapple with extremely difficult or dark energies in your life, trying to stay true to your convictions and what you know to be healthy and loving. For this, I give you so much credit. Thank you so much for being a presence of well-being, kindness, understanding and brightness for those in your circle.  Please know that whatever love you share, whatever ways you give back, that it really does matter in tying our world together with the string of light and love.

Please know that I see you. I get you. I love you. Please keep doing what you do.  The world needs you more than ever.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Thank you Heather, I've been having feelings and thoughts about whether to continue with my healing practice or should I go get a job! Each time I am in a job, I feel trapped, unhappy and have no energy at all! Reading this has helped so much and confirmed for me that I need to keep doing what I'm doing.
