Thursday, May 30, 2013

Understanding the Ego

Many people loosely throw around the concept of the 'ego' saying, "oh she's so egotistical", or roll their eyes and say "here it comes again -- the male ego" or "oh it's just an ego battle". 

Often times I find that people will blame the ego because they can't really take the time to understand where the other person is coming from or to avoid conflict, or because they actually don't want to admit that they feel uncomfortably inferior around another person and choose to criticize the other person instead of looking within at one's own insecurities.

I've seen this habit amongst women.  There are secret conversations of blindly believing that men have more ego than women, making comments on his demeanor and way of interacting in the world without realizing that the very act of belittling or criticizing him is an egotistical thing to do. And many women would rather look at the man's shortcomings than own their feelings of inferiority or reactionary fear and projections that have built up over the generations of inter-gender relating. We women can fail to look at how we quietly power trip over men as a way to get even with the injustices of our history.  This ends up creating strange feelings of revenge and emotional manipulation that are considered to be socially normal and justified, instead of seeing how it robs the soul of one's power to be loving and kind.    

So what is it that we really mean by the ego? Is it the sense of "I" as being separate from another? Is it that feeling that a person thinks they are better than everyone else, disregarding one's human frailties? Is it just someone who is full of themselves and has no regard for the impact they have on others?

The ego is often described in ways that make it seem repulsive or abhorrent, something demonic or dreadful.  Yet when we get a closer look we will see that the richness of the human experience lives there.  Much of the healing work that needs to be done comes from the part of the person who feels lost, hurt, abandoned, rejected, unworthy, victimized, or excluded. In all of those experiences, the ego develops as a way to self-protect from these worldly pains of not feeling good enough, loveable, worthwhile, held or understood. 

Here's an example of how an ego can develop and what could very well be happening underneath the surface:  if a person has been hurt when growing up by being demeaned for coming from poverty or they had parents who constantly fought about money, then the child can consciously or subconsciously believe that their only worthiness in life is directly connected to money. Then that child grows up and decides to put their whole focus on seeking out money riches, yet have no intimacy or closeness with others in their life. His whole identity and sense of security is connected to how much money he makes. This is what makes him loveable, in his mind.  As an adult, people will demean him and say that he's a scrooge or he's stingy or he's egotistical, further adding to his wound of being excluded from the world, and so he holds even tighter to the money that he so closely identifies with. He develops fears and mistrust of it being taken away from him.  Yet what his ego needs is to be understood.  To know that he matters, no matter how much or how little money he makes. That he is worthy simply because he is alive and breathing.

This is what we call true compassion -- to have the ability to reach out and truly understand what is going on underneath the surface of a person's behaviour, knowing that most of the time it is rooted in fears and feelings of being unloved. When we can all see ourselves in the "scrooge" or the one's we deem as evil, and know the undercurrents of their humanity, then we also release ourselves from self-judgment and self-condemnation.  Because we all are guilty of not being loving and kind in some way.  To judge that person is to also judge ourselves, perpetuating this division and keep us separate from creating a world of seeing each other through loving and sharing eyes.

The ego can show up in our experiences of feeling like a victim, a hero, the one who has under-achieved, the peacekeeper, the saint, the healer, the enlightened one -- they are all aspects of the human mind that have developed from a reaction to the world around oneself. Each one of us has more than one ego-state and much of the soul journey is to dismantle these attitudes, beliefs and our opinions that block us from true intimacy with ourselves and others.

The great benefit of the ego is that it can help a person develop a sense of self, opens up to feeling important, loved and confident, to know that one really does matter. Without the sense of self, it is difficult to manifest or create anything in life or make a positive contribution. As well, even the other ego states such as the victim or the addict or the rebel have many wise teachings, offering the ability to have compassion towards others in their suffering.

The two best methods I've found so far for really explore one's ego-mind has been through Clearing sessions and Soul Constellations.  Soul Constellations helps one to see the inter-reactions between family members and greater collective systems and how one excludes oneself or others in order to really get a deeper understanding of the hurts.  Clearing is a wonderful modality for accessing your own ego-mind in a safe environment, where you get to discover the answers within yourself of how your consciousness is relating to the world around you. Both modalities are quite profound and humbling, allowing for an opening of the light of truth to come through.  I offer both options through my practice or I also highly recommend working with Russell Scott of True Source Seminars to do Clearing sessions. He's been doing this for over 25 years and he's a true master of the mind.

If you are ready to go through the journey to find out all the ways your ego mind has formed in your being, you can find more information at:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

There Once Was...

There once was a young woman who felt moved to discover what the truth really was between life, death and a human being’s purpose on Planet Earth.  Through her soul journey process, she knew that there was more to this life than just eating, sleeping, drinking and having sex.  That love must matter. Why else would she feel it in the depths of her being, along with all the heart ache that came with it.  She set out to prove that love is a powerful healing force and wanted to pass this one to others so they could remember their origins rather than feeling lost, alone, abandoned and neglected in life. 

Never shying away from a challenge and having a deeply enquiring mind, this young woman decided to listen further to her heart and soul and open up the psychic centres of her being to discover her other spiritual powers and gifts.  She went to Mediumship classes and learned a lot about how there really is life after death and our personalities and being move onto other dimensions. And she felt the loving embrace of her grandmothers, giving her a sense of peace and support that is difficult, knowing that the love they shared is eternal.

She then learned Reiki, Family Constellations, Mind Clearing, and Medical Intuition to show that indeed we are far more than our physical selves and the soul really does matter in our lives and well-being.  One thing leads to the next and she is now tapping into a whole level of understanding of the power of creativity and the divine feminine principles of life. She is learning about the ways of the Goddess and the interconnection between the plants, animals, Mother Earth and each other. It’s all really wonderful, and sometimes painful, because her sensitivity to things that are cruel can make it quite difficult  for her at times to engage in the world. She hopes one day she can become a greater messenger of the interplay of our happiness and well-being in how we treat the Earth.  

She lives every day with a sense of a personal prayer in her heart, giving gratitude to all the people, animals and plants in her life, and nurturing her heart through writing, doing healing sessions with others and giving back to her community through sacred circles.

If there’s one thing she wants to share with the world, it’s the message that Love Really Does Matter, even if other people don’t recognize it or see it.  It is worth making the world a better place for all.
To find out more about her, you can visit:

Monday, May 27, 2013

Is Metaphysical Healing for Quacks?

Usually on the first visit, I have some clients come sheepishly into the room, with an air of being in cognito.  Judging by how long it takes them to settle into the chair and being unsure of what to do or say, it becomes clear that there is a part of them that is embarrassed that they are even coming to see me. They've heard stories and have been teased by their significant other, parents, television stars, coworkers or friends about people who go to see a "psychic". This implies that they are going to be scammed, brainwashed and lose all personal will and power over their lives.

It is a sad stereotype and one that has been created in history and in the media, deterring  someone from experiencing the great gifts of the metaphysical arts. Of course, there have been crooked psychics -- people who will tell you anything just to get your money. Which is part of every profession that exists on this planet. People are people. Some people are ethical, loving and genuine. Other people are selfish and greedy.

Spiritual teachers say that each of us has intuitive gifts and it's just a matter of honing and developing them to bring them out more. This is exactly how I see my position on your healing journey.  I am merely more tuned in because of practice, focus and desire to do this work.

When a client comes to me, it is a great honour because we get to discover together the ways the spirit, soul, body and mind are communicating. If you are truly in full awareness and sensitivity to your whole self, you could find those answers surely within yourself.  However, many of us are living very human lives. We get ungrounded, unbalanced and in states of confusion, especially during times of change.

Hiring a trained metaphysical practitioner offers the opportunity to explore these parts of yourself that seem to be hidden from you but is visible to another.  Unlocking these parts of  yourself helps you to grow in your potential and sense of being loved and held in the Universe.

If you or someone you know is feeling bashful about booking a session, you or they can consider a free initial session to ask questions and see which service would be beneficial and if I'm the right practitioner.  You can book your free session at:

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Leaving the Line of Complainers & Blamers

The marker of true spiritual growth is when one takes personal responsibility for his/her well-being, happiness, emotions and destiny.  This is not to say that we are each meant to be independent pillars in life, for life is about sharing ourselves and our gifts with the world. Rather it means that we are the only guardians of our own hearts and souls, and we are responsible for listening to their quiet yearnings.

For example, if we are in an unhappy relationship, it is not the other person who is at fault, for they are simply reacting or interacting with us given our willingness for being treated a certain way.  Waiting for another person to change is a sure bet to disappointment and something out of our control. The feeling of dissatisfaction is our own and it is our responsibility to soul search and see if the "something missing" is love, respect and kindness, or if the "something missing" is simply our sulking ego filled with attachment to our partner to fulfill our every need. However, many of us prefer to deny the reality of the relationship simply because it's easier. It takes a lot of effort to change, move, make hard choices or forge paths towards a new life. And that could also mean being alone, something most people are afraid of.

Every relationship is an opportunity to look within and see if it's leading you towards feeling connected, creative, alive, loved and fulfilled, or feeling neglected, unappreciated, self-sacrificing and defeated. It is up to you to determine the truth of how you are really feeling about it. Otherwise, you end up boring your friends to death with your complaints of the relationship while coming up with a thousand excuses as to why you have to stay in it.

I have had to make very difficult choices in life around relationships with family, partners and friends, in order to create a life that works closer to who I truly am where I feel held and embraced.  To this day, I know that there are still blind spots in my life, that I'm still not living entirely in line with my spirit and soul. But I've come a long way considering where I started.

To give you a bit of background and so you know you're not alone, I'll explain a bit about where I've come from.  As a child, I was conditioned to blindly accept emotionally neglectful circumstances, deeming them "life's learning experiences" and "people come and go and you just can't hang on to anyone for too long".  I went through most of my life believing that this was what it was all about--to not expect too much from partners, friends, work or life.  Although having few expectations can seem wise for the heart, having little expectations for life and others allowed me to tolerate almost any kind of treatment, feeling I needed to be open-minded and open-hearted. After all, this is what kind people did -- be loosely detached and all-accepting of people's differences.  But the reality was that underlying this aloof persona was a little girl who was aching for someone to know her, love her, care about her and embrace her with an undying loyalty.  This is what my soul yearned for and needed, yet at a very early age I gave up on love and kindness from others and formed an attitude of independence and self-sufficiency. I came to believe that it just wasn't safe to depend on anyone.

As with every experience, there are strengths and growth that evolves.  I learned that there are a lot of people who are suffering, whether they admit it or not. I learned how to be an observer of others, rather than participating with the way most people are relating in the world, that is with subtle expectations to go along with overt and covert violent tendencies.  I learned how to draw on my own inner resources rather than depending greatly on others for approval and my sense of self.

But there were parts that certainly were not strong. Through breaking down emotionally, I was able to access my inner pain to learn the wisdom of what I do and don't want in my life anymore. I unapologetically delved into the depths, to discover where the anger, frustration, hurt and hopelessness lived. It wasn't pretty and I wasn't in full grace. But it was honest and getting to the core of the truth of how I was actually feeling, rather than being numb to it. And there were times when I thought I just might go insane. But this feeling of lovelessness in life was far too painful and more important to resolve than moving along life like a robot/zombie, which I could see lived in the eyes of many people I had met in life.

Mostly I worked through these issues through Genuine Truth Clearing sessions, Soul Constellations and at Sweat Lodges.  I got the chance to go within, on my own yet in the company of others, and access what is really going on within my being. The journey still goes and grows, as it's an ongoing exercise of balance with living closer to my truth while living in a sea of others.

The ability to look in the mirror and like what one sees is a far greater enjoyment than feeling like one has betrayed their truth and soul. You may not get rich by going through the inner journey. Or you might. You may not find the answers to worldly problems. Or you might. But you will come closer to feeling a sense of inner strength, poise, love and inner peace, while also accessing your unique and divine gifts in ways you may never have imagined.

Be forewarned though, that once you start the path towards personal happiness and inner growth, your life may very well change. And you will see that you are the one in the centre of your fate and happiness. At that point you may leave the long line of complainers and blamers, and discover that you are surrounded by only a few others who are standing on the island of uncomfortable bliss.


To find out more about Genuine Truth Clearing and Soul Constellations, visit:

Sunday, May 19, 2013

10 Ways to Nourish the Soul

Soul is the space within yourself where you feel peaceful, inspired, connected, loved and loving.  Due to everyday demands and the way most of us have been socialized, the soul tends to get neglected. Yet, without it you can feel depressed, isolated, hopeless and unbalanced in our lives. Though nourishing the soul may not be the thing that directly pays your bills, it is the aspect of yourself that makes you feel alive so you can make healthy and happy choices in your everyday life. 

Here are 10 Ways You Can Nourish Your Soul: 

1) Call or write a letter (try pen and paper instead of an email) to someone who you love and appreciate and tell them what they mean to you in your life.

2) Meditate on loving-kindness for at least 10 minutes a day.  Here is a metta prayer you can use:
May I be safe
May I be happy
May I be healthy
May I be content
May I love myself completely
And with great kindness
Just as I am now
No matter what happens

May you be safe
May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you be content
May you love yourself completely
And with great kindness
Just as you are now
No matter what happens

May we be safe
May we be happy
May we be healthy
May we be content
May we love ourselves completely
And with great kindness
Just as we are now
No matter what happens

May all beings be safe
May all beings be happy
May all beings be healthy
May all beings be content
May all beings love themselves completely
And with great kindness
Just as they are now
No matter what happens

3) Visit somewhere new, somewhere you've always wanted to go but haven't made the time. This can be a coffee shop, a town close by or even make a plan to take a trip somewhere far away.  New sights and people can do wonders for opening up a whole other dimensions of yourself. 

4)  Connect to something art-full.  A poem, a piece of music, a beautiful movie, a spiritual story -- anything that opens you up to beauty, compassion, love, wonder, majesty or your humanity.

5)  Do something kind for a complete stranger. Let it be spontaneous or something thoughtful. Giving for the sake of it can be truly fulfilling.

6)  Show your vulnerabilities. Tell a close friend/loved one or counsellor some of your life story, including your hurts and struggles. Recognizing you are fallible and deserving of loving care with another is one of the greatest spiritual strengths.

7) Create a space in your home where you can beautify and infuse meaning into it. Some would call this an altar or mesa.  It's a small part of the world where you can connect to that intimate inner part of yourself, knowing you matter and have it reflected back in the things that expand your feeling of being loved.

8)  Do something just for you and make it special. This could mean taking a bath with rose petals or making an indulgent dessert for yourself. Really schnaz it up and know that you deserve to be treated this way.

9) Explore your talents and abilities. If there's something you always wanted to do but felt you weren't good enough at it, try it out! Overcome self-doubt and judgment and just let yourself play with it. You can get a book at a library or take an intro class. There's lots to explore about your heart and soul there.

10)  find some new friends. Often on our soul journey, we are held back by the way people used to see us.  It is important as you grow, to find your company of other like hearts to support you and encourage. You can meet new people at gatherings, through spiritual circles,  at a yoga/health studio, or even at a coffee shop where you like the atmosphere. Branch out and you will find a whole new tree of other people.

This blog has been written by Heather Embree of

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Conscious Beginning of the Soul Path

Around 7 years ago, I had what many would call a spiritual crisis.

I had a massive awakening of my true self and was stuck in the midst of one of the biggest revolutions Mexico had seen for about a decade (which says a lot because Mexico is known to have an uprising almost every day).  My awakening entailed vivid dreams, synchronistic meetings with benevolent strangers, deep feelings of regret and a calling to something bigger called "god?" or "someone are you out there?".  Trapped in the mires of people smashing buses and signs to oust the tourists, I had fallen into a deep state of peace, bliss and faith, feeling totally at ease with the illusion of violence, hate, anger and suffering.

I returned barely but safely to Canada and was one of the last people off the plane. I strolled out casually from the security doors, not too worried about getting anywhere fast, going at a pace that I had become accustomed to in Mexico over the previous 5 1/2 months.

I walked into the droning sounds of the squeaky clean airport, where life was extremely organized in contrast to where I had come from. I felt like I was living in the in-between place of collective realities, unsure of where I fit in.

My mom was pacing about and worrying that I may not have made it back. I had no idea why she would be so concerned. In my mind, I had gotten to such a point of relating to these planes of reality, knowing that death was merely a passageway to a new reality. My mom took one look at me and said "Oh, dear, you look so...foreign."  Just through her response, I realized that others of my "clan" could not see this state of peace that I was feeling inside. Instead they saw someone who had entirely disconnected from the realities of the world, and was in some far off other place, unable to relate. Little did I know until later in my healing journey, that I was also experiencing the trauma of the trip, feeling culturally isolated in both countries now and emotionally heartbroken that my dream of living in Mexico had not come true. I had dissociated from my pain and was, in essence, lost.

I came back to Canada without a sense of what to do next and I was riddled with inner turmoil and needed questions answered about these odd visions and mystical dreams that I was having. "Why had my life gone the way it had?"  "What was my purpose here?"  "What is the purpose of life and death and heartbreak?"  I was having far more and deeper experiences than what some therapists would say were hysterical or hallucinogenic responses to trauma.  There was a lot of love and protection in my dreams, healing my spirit and soul.  I later came to learn that these were Spirit Guides and that each one of us has one -- angelic and spiritual beings who care about us and are guiding us along our soul path.  To this day, I depend greatly on my dreams for guidance and have come to learn that this is actually quite healthy and common in most tribal societies, as a form of self/soul healing.

I had no idea what I was getting into when calling on a nameless higher power for answers and guidance.  Various spiritual paths opened up and I explored and delved into each one: 12-step programs, counselling, Reiki, religious and spiritual texts, the Enlightenment Intensive, Mediumship, the Yuen Method, Angelic Presence, Medical Intuition, Family Constellations, Meditations, Prayer, Mind Clearing, Shamanic Healing, Ceremonial Work and Journalling.  Through each of these tools, I released those stale emotions of the past and accessed this part of my eternal self that had been hiding behind the pain.  It is still an ongoing journey of growth in order to integrate this awakening experience, as it is continually a challenge on the spiritual path to sort out what love is and isn't, the difference between soul and ego and how to access a life of fulfillment, creativity and happiness in all aspects. It takes a lot of courage and a willingness to be humbled enough to change the perspective of ourselves, our lives and others.

My life has completely transformed from where I was even a year ago, and it continues to unfold, bringing me closer and closer to a sense of what divine truth is and what it isn't.   For example, I never would have thought that I would be doing professional readings, energy healings and mediumship for clients.  But I took the risk and opened, trusting and following my divine guidance, leading me in directions that were still a mystery to me.I am happy, more hopeful, more connected to my self and others, and have a great heart of compassion for people who are feeling like life is impossible and they have lost touch with a greater sense of Love, Peace, Compassion and Truth.

I have met many people who have had similar spiritually expansive experiences and have a difficult time managing life here on earth. Relationships seem to no longer work, the interpersonal conflicts are difficult to cope with, bills are hard to pay, and it can seem like there are endless losses, breaking the heart down.

Personal growth is the point where we can integrate the spiritual truths with the self.  It is a necessary part of the spiritual journey, living closer to that part of ourselves we know in our hearts is who we are meant to be, before we got socialized or condemned by other people's beliefs and opinions of us.

I would highly recommend that if you can relate to aspects of this article, that you open yourself up to finding alternative and traditional forms of inner work to balance and integrate your body, mind and spirit. When you can release blocked energy of hurt, guilt or shame, you allow more divine energy to come into your being and you will alleviate whole lifetimes of hidden and obvious sufferings so you can experience love, connection and peace within your being.

If you would be interested in exploring this further, I offer a free initial consultation session for a Learn to Love Yourself: A Mentorship Program(tm), which is a customized program where we look at all aspects of your life and find ways to bring more spirit and soul into it.  It is a great way to have someone walk with you and witness your journey towards becoming the person you were meant to be, in all of your beauty and abilities. If you would like to book a session or for more information, please visit: