Monday, May 27, 2013

Is Metaphysical Healing for Quacks?

Usually on the first visit, I have some clients come sheepishly into the room, with an air of being in cognito.  Judging by how long it takes them to settle into the chair and being unsure of what to do or say, it becomes clear that there is a part of them that is embarrassed that they are even coming to see me. They've heard stories and have been teased by their significant other, parents, television stars, coworkers or friends about people who go to see a "psychic". This implies that they are going to be scammed, brainwashed and lose all personal will and power over their lives.

It is a sad stereotype and one that has been created in history and in the media, deterring  someone from experiencing the great gifts of the metaphysical arts. Of course, there have been crooked psychics -- people who will tell you anything just to get your money. Which is part of every profession that exists on this planet. People are people. Some people are ethical, loving and genuine. Other people are selfish and greedy.

Spiritual teachers say that each of us has intuitive gifts and it's just a matter of honing and developing them to bring them out more. This is exactly how I see my position on your healing journey.  I am merely more tuned in because of practice, focus and desire to do this work.

When a client comes to me, it is a great honour because we get to discover together the ways the spirit, soul, body and mind are communicating. If you are truly in full awareness and sensitivity to your whole self, you could find those answers surely within yourself.  However, many of us are living very human lives. We get ungrounded, unbalanced and in states of confusion, especially during times of change.

Hiring a trained metaphysical practitioner offers the opportunity to explore these parts of yourself that seem to be hidden from you but is visible to another.  Unlocking these parts of  yourself helps you to grow in your potential and sense of being loved and held in the Universe.

If you or someone you know is feeling bashful about booking a session, you or they can consider a free initial session to ask questions and see which service would be beneficial and if I'm the right practitioner.  You can book your free session at:

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