Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Curiousity Cabinet: A Spirit Visit from Nana

When I was 15 years old, I fell into a depression. It was during a summer when I couldn’t find a job and I had no idea of the direction of my life or interests.  I felt like there was no hope in my life, and that I was just destined to be a cashier and work crappy jobs for the rest of my life. I didn’t have a sense of my interests nor mentors to help me cultivate them. My friends were at camp or had other things happening so I was alone with my parents at home, spending my days sun tanning in the backyard or reading books from the library.

One night during that summer, I had a dream of my nana who had passed away 7 years earlier of brain cancer. Many people in our family reported having dreamt about her, claiming that she would come to them during times of need and gave wise, appropriate guidance.

When she was living, she was known to have a bit of a witchy side to her, having read tea leaves with a prophetic telling of events, sensing things about people no one else knew, and quietly being thoughtful in special ways with others. She also struggled herself with depression, trying to find the balance with living between both worlds as a housewife, mother and smart, wise woman who could “see into the nature of things and people”.

In this dream I had, she showed me a cabinet.  She opened the cabinet but I couldn’t see anything inside. She said “Heather, this is the curiosity cabinet and it is up to you what you want to find in it.”  I was squinting and squinting but I couldn’t see anything. Then I woke up.

That next day, my mood had lifted. I had felt more hopeful and I got a part-time job. I felt like I had a life ahead of me that had wonder. I viewed the world more as an adventure and less of a “oh god, there is no future.” 

I believe this dream taught me that it is up to me to have the curiosity about life and to stock my inner cabinet with the interests that matter to me. 

I’ve carried this attitude with me and it has led me down many roads.  I look back at that teenager I was and see how far I have come in exploring my own world and self. 

I’ve lived a life that has been rich in experience, knowledge, relationships, mysticism/spiritualism, and creativity.  Little would I have known then that I would have lived in Toronto, Calgary and Mexico. That I would have learned art and written articles and poetry on topics of activism, feminism, sexuality, human rights and other things. That I would have started a small business helping people connect with those who have passed on. That I would learn Spanish as a second language and volunteer in Mexico to help streetchildren. That I would help my niece and nephew be born into the world.

Nor would I have known that I would have my heartbroken numerous times and lived close to the streets then recovered from deep trauma through therapy and meditation. Or that I would have written and published a children's book. Or that I would have seen and given miraculous healings and helped many people in the world to have more inspiration and clarity in their lives.  It is truly amazing what I have done with the 40 years of my life and often times I really can’t believe that it was me who experienced those things.

A year and a half ago I fell into a slump because of a difficult relationship. I went into grief and despair and couldn’t see the forest for the trees. I moved into a new apartment and wasn’t feeling safe in it.  I wondered why my life had to fall apart again and I didn’t know if I had the strength to re-build it.  While I was laying there, I saw the energy of my nana sitting in the rocking chair – her silver white hair and petite form – the way I remembered her when she was older. She just sat there quietly, while I was blinking my eyes in disbelief that she actually materialized in my living room. I felt a comforting presence from her which made me know that everything would be okay. 

I called my mom the next day and told her about nana’s spirit visiting me. She said that it was so appropriate because that was the anniversary of my nana’s death. 

I work as a professional medium and this was the first time I saw the spirit materialize in front of me. I wasn’t scared, rather amazed at how clear she was. It affirmed for me that working with the Other Side and feeling the spirits that are there to help us through tough times can do wonders for the peace and guidance we all need. And to know that life really does go on if we open to question what reality really is and to fill our hearts with life’s mysteries so we can all make our own personal curiosity cabinets.

I would love to hear some of your stories of those on the Other Side.


Heather Embree is a professional seer/medium who has served over 1,500 clients worldwide. For more information about her, visit:

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful, Heather. The power of curiosity. Isn't it wonderful? Yesterday was the anniversary... 11 years...if my Mom's death and I could feel her loving presence. The # 11 and all that signifies. I feel at a point of transition and new gateways. I realize that if I stay in that place of "Isn't that interesting and I wonder what's here?", I can feel much loving guidance and know that all us well and oh so interesting. X
