Monday, January 23, 2017

The Path of the Seer

Definition of seer. 1: one that sees. 2: one that predicts events or developments 3: a person credited with extraordinary moral and spiritual insight. 3: one that practices divination

I would describe myself as a seer, which in our culture and world, we term as a psychic.   A seer has a long spiritual tradition in Indigeneous Spirituality. Many Celtic People were known and still are known for having the ability of “clear sight”. First Nations People were enlisted in the war partly due to their psychic abilities, amongst other reasons.

Some say one is gifted from birth or the soul had many incarnations that cultivated this ability.  I would also say it comes from life experiences and being in tune with the destiny and paths of others, developing wisdom along the way of one’s journey.  It also is, like anything else, a muscle one needs to exercise so taking psychic/intuitive/mediumship development classes is helpful.  It also is a lifestyle choice, too. 

A true seer has an understanding of the importance of doing their own personal growth work, to clear their consciousness of any projections or viewpoints that are rooted in their personal issues, so they can be a truly clear channel in their lives. They regularly clear out conflicts from their life, set firm boundaries, live with more silence than noise and strive to be a more caring, conscious and light-hearted person.

There are many seers who have gone through hell and back, myself included, and these would have been considered initiation phases. I’ve had a lot of lessons to learn about honouring myself, honouring what I’m seeing, letting go of toxic relationships and healing from an abusive and neglectful childhood.  All of these journeys, once overcome, become a rich source of service to others and hone the seer’s abilities even more. 

For instance, because of my hypersensitivity to power imbalances, dangerous people and those who are deceivers, I can sniff it out energetically, so to speak.  Where people may blindly trust someone, I can actually see their shadow side, not in a suspicious way, but if they are truly being themselves and in honesty.  This has saved me numerous times, and protected me from very unsafe circumstances. I don’t ostracize or hold that person in judgment – I simply know what they are capable of.  We all have a shadow side, and that doesn’t mean we are unloveable.  Just that there are some who are still having to sort out their issues and may not be operating to the highest good with others.

I also have an egalitarian, human rights approach, so I have worked through the lies of social and cultural conditioning. This is so important for a seer to cultivate because can do more damage if they are still locked into beliefs that are human-centric rather than seeing the soul and higher wisdom of the person in front of them.

Many seers in hiding don’t realize that they have this ability.  They just assume that it is normal and natural for everyone to see the things they do.  For someone who is a seer in hiding, they feel like they are banging their head against a wall with other people’s choices. They can even become critical, intervene, try to rescue or even get aggressive.  They just don’t understand that a seer can see when a person is making, dare I say, a stupid choice, or they are in harm’s way.  A seer can feel overly responsible to have to do something to help that person because they see what the ailment is for them. 

When someone becomes comfortable with their abilities as a seer, they rest in a sense of their own knowing and also come to realize that they may not know everything – even though they may be able to see different aspects of circumstances or gain the wisdom, but they don’t truly know what is needed or the full story. They are given an insight for either protection, to understand an issue/circumstance, to pass on a nugget of wisdom or to shift a person’s perception.  It is always meant to be as a tool for healing, love, truth and understanding. It is not meant to pass on judgment, hate or attacking.  I’ve met psychics who “get tough” with their clients and will say really awful things about another person.  That is not a true seer.  A true seer is someone who is clear, direct, but compassionate. 

How I approach my readings and sessions, is that I see whoever is in front of me as a person who deserves love, validation, understanding and insight to help alleviate whatever suffering they are in.  I am not here to reprimand their choices or decisions, nor am I here to tell them what they should or shouldn’t do.  My role as a seer/medium is to pass on knowledge, wisdom and understanding so they can move forward in their lives and feel more peace, inner strength, clarity of mind and a feeling of being supported and loved. 

Often times, I have dreams, insights, and coincidences before a session, which show I’m connecting on the spiritual plane for a client.  It is quite remarkable how much guidance and connection there really is in the world, trying to support us in the direction where we need to be.  It is hard sometimes to really know what we need or the direction to go in, and a seer/medium helps us form clarity and inspiration, along with emotional releases, so we can feel more within ourselves. It can help us understand our relationship dynamics better, offer us a whole new understanding of what is possible for our life direction, and help us feel more loved in our lives. 

If you feel you need this kind of support, then please book a soul reading with me through Blossoming Heart Divine Arts at:

With appreciation and love on your path,

Heather Embree

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