Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Hidden Relationship of Everything

In most Earth-based spiritual traditions, there is an understanding that we are related to everything -- every plant, animal and human -- and we are meant to walk in "right relation" to everyone and everything.  This is not so easy when we find a person in our lives "unlikeable" or "offensive" or down-right violent.

The principle of "all my relations" is not about appeasing everyone nor is it about having to sit down and hang with everyone, because in this unbalanced world where we live, that could be a dangerous thing.

However, it is important to treat everything and everyone from a place of respect, whether or not that person is behaving in a way that deserves it.  Because if we don't, it can have many inter-generational implications. At least, this is what I've discovered through medical intuion, soul readings and the "Your Soul's Footprint" Package.  It is also what many have experienced in Family Constellations work.

What I've discovered, is that an atittude or transgression that may have happened 1 or more generations ago is felt within the energy field and consciousness of oneself. No matter how hard we try to run from our family or ancestral patterns, they still show up at our door to get our attention.

For example, my parents divorced when I was 3 years old. I hardly knew my father growing up and it wasn't until my late 20s that I became curious in building a relationship. In the back of my mind, I couldn't trust my mother fully because she left him and also felt deeply hurt by him and expressed that openly. I didn't have the experience of him, so I mistrusted what my mother told me. I didn't want to be "unfair or unbalanced" in my judgment of my father. Her comments about him without his presence made me blind to my father's character defects, shall we say, and I would attract people in my life who I couldn't "see clearly" for who they were because of this.

So as I got to know my father, I realized who he really was as a person and that my mother was actually right and self-protective in leaving him. I eventually saw the courage in my mother for doing so.  But the interesting part that I found out  is that I experienced an ugly ending of a relationship in similar way that my mother did with my father.  I almost replicated it.  I unconsciously needed to experience my mother's pain in order to grow in compassion for her and to bond with her. I had no idea that I was doing this. I blame it on inter-generational trauma bonding, and on not knowing what I didn't know.

Now that I can see it, now that I've felt it, I get to take it one step further and claim that "I will never let a man destroy my life or reputation again" and smell the inequalities, psychological abuse and betrayal from a mile away.

These patterns show up in so many ways in all areas of our lives. We all know we are affected by them but can we actually really get what the lesson or teaching is so we don't re-create more suffering unnecessarily.

I'm going to suggest we can.  Through my training and experience with working with over 1,500 clients worldwide, I have created a "Your Soul's Footprint" Package to help you gain clarity and insight into one area of your life that may be affected by your family system and to bring balance, awareness and resolution for making a contribution to the world that brings less suffering for this and future generations.

It can be a great tool to understand what is really going on behind family conflict, to discover what your part is in it and how to let go or give responsibility to where it belongs.

If you feel you want to understand the source of your challenges or the hidden areas you can't see that have contributed to where you are now, then please consider booking this package.  Because peace really does begin within the home.

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