Friday, May 5, 2017

The Peacemaker

I just went to my therapist the other day and it became clear in the session that I am the "Peacemaker" in my family and the world. Which means that I've tried to harmonize a lot of conflicts at the sake of my own needs.

When reading about the Peacemaker from the Enneagram Institute's perspective, this means that I can have a tendency to avoid conflict or try to mediate even if it's not my place.  I would try to mediate every single conflict in my family, my community, in the world. I'd take on every cause of injustice, only to fail and get pummeled. I had to learn the hard way that some people just like a good fight and don't actually want peace. That was painful and humbling at the same time. Now it doesn't mean I don't stand up for myself or what is important, because I've done that, too.  But it's always been from a place of wanting more balanced understanding.

The best career choices are usually doing something spiritual, artistic, counselling or mundane -- not stressful or complicated jobs like being a police officer, administrative assistant or corporate executive.

The downside of this is I need a lot of alone time, I'm easily dominated and I shy away from certain opportunities that may help me be successful in life.

Knowing this put so many pieces together of why I could or couldn't do certain things in my life.  When growing up, others seemed to be able to handle the confrontations and competitiveness of regular life -- joining hockey teams, taking on complex tasks, managing teams, etc. For me, I get really overwhelmed by too much of human dynamics and the potential for misunderstandings.

Knowing my role as the peacemaker, I'm aware not to put myself or attach to high conflict situations. That I need to be aware when I get hooked or drained and to disconnect myself from that role when it's not necessary for me to intervene.

Fortunately, I've been blessed to have been able to do the work I do now as a Soul Oracle Consultant. I tend to do this work in silence, working intimately one-on-one with clients or in small groups.  I get to access the realm of the Other Side and the Ancestors to support others in having the insights and clarity they need to move forward past the suffering they've inherited.  I help others come to peace and I can stay in peace.

This is why knowing oneself is so important -- the journey of self-discovery and self-awareness is one that can do so much in the alleviation of suffering. I highly recommend taking the Enneagram Institute Test or find any other way to know yourself and your soul better.  It will take you out of the darkness and hidden layers that are causing you far too much inner turmoil.

Here's to more peace, love and freedom to be yourself in the world!

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