Thursday, September 12, 2019

Letting Go is Hard to Do

What this Full Harvest Moon is Teaching Us

This Full Harvest Moon in Pisces, Saturday September 14th, is all about feeling our feelings & letting go so something new to come in. The Pisces energy will bring up our fears, insecurities and overwhelm and show us what needs to end in order for us to move forward. Easier said than done. Especially when the ending is done to us rather than our own choosing.

It is so important to take the gas pedal off, breathe into your emotions, don't make any major decisions and release the pressure you may feel to have it all figured out. Learning how to trust that something is waiting on the other side of this for you is a key attitude to take, so long as you find ways to validate and soothe yourself.  

You see, the thing about endings is that they are necessary in order for life and growth the happen. There are just some people, situations and dynamics that don't serve our highest good anymore.  When we can see this is just the Universe balancing us out, instead of taking it personally, then we can access the higher wisdom and actually give gratitude for the grief or uncertainty we may be feeling.

We must enjoy the Harvest of this time, reflect on our last 6 months of what is working and what isn't, and release all that no longer serves.

This is a good time for house cleaning, purging files on your desktop, or going through your Facebook friends and cull who you don't feel is supportive.

Just know, the Universe wants you to be supported, loved and well. Everything in your path is here to guide you towards that place.

What do you need to let go of that is causing you pain and distress in your life? How do you feel about that?

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